Sunday, December 2, 2018


December is here.

Jinx is confused 

I think he would like to skip right to Easter.


One look outside and you are convinced that winter will be far too long.

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  1. Oh I love Jinx! Yes, it looks like the winter weather is smacking us this time around.
    I can't wait to get out and explore the woods.

  2. Nitty has a very thick winter coat and I used to be able to tell by my horse and dogs coats as to what kind of winter we would have. Get ready! LOL! Are those presents ready for gifting? Nice job on the presentation....really festive! Stay warm!

  3. Brrr! It does look cold there. We've got some nice sunny but very cold weather ahead. Cold by our standards, not yours. :-)

  4. Down here in the deep south we are having a warm December. I really would like to have a real winter.

  5. A great time to stay indoors to work on crafts, assemble a puzzle, read a book, or snooze by the fire.

  6. I look out and wish there was more snow--LOL! Don't worry. The winter will fly by as quickly as this whole year has zipped past. ;)

  7. I was confused too, until I took a closer look at that photo. :-)
    I would skip forward too, as long as we wait until January 1.

  8. I like winter. I shoveled snow this morning. this afternoon I will cross country ski for the first time this year.

  9. I love Jinx! Winter has hit us hard this year. I think we are getting paid back for the last two mild winters here. Have you started putting up Shiny Brites yet? I always love your decorations.

  10. All of the snow that we had his washed away with rain. It’s cold, only in the 30s but no snow. That’s fine with me. I would love to just had to skip ahead to spring. Blessings, Betsy

  11. December is a great month because I love Christmas

  12. We had two solid days and nights of rain and thunder. Poor Bob is nuts! We had to give her a Special Plll last night so she could get some rest. The boat parade, the Santa Claus parade, the street dance, all cancelled. But at least we didn't have to shovel it. Your snow is pretty in pictures.


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