Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas 2018

Everyone gathered up north.  Church on Christmas Eve was beautiful. A small county church where we sang Christmas Hymns and had readings from the Bible and a short sermon…and a candle lighting while singing Silent night.

Stockings hung one

Stockings were hung across from the Christmas tree.

Stockings two

After each arrival more stockings were hung.

Stockings finally all there

Finally everyone was there including one beau, one fiancee and one girlfriend.

The five Christmas 2018

My five or “The Five”  tallest to shortest left to right.  This is also their birth order right to left.

Proof of tallness

Proof of tallness.

We had a lovely brunch with several different kinds of egg bake, some little smokie sausages wrapped in bacon, caramel rolls, fruit and an assortment of cookies.


The tree was beautiful!

Tree Inspector

It was so pretty that someone had to inspect it many many times.

Tree inspection two

Hey Mikey!  Tree and Ornament Inspector!

We ended the afternoon with a white elephant gift exchange…I got a sign which I donated to Noah, and Far Guy got a pair of pink slippers that he donated to me.

We are blessed to be able to gather everyone together on Christmas morning.

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  1. What a beautiful Christmas you had! The house looked just like my farmhouse...curtains and all! So glad your whole family was able to gather together. The Church and service sounded magical....and Mikey? Too cute for words and he looks like such a big boy now! Wasn't he just a baby not very long ago?

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas.

  3. What a wonderful gathering. And Hey Mikey is sure growing up fast! Thank you for the peek into your lovely gathering. :-)

  4. Looks like a wonderful gathering! Merry Christmas!

  5. What a wonderful Christmas you had. Merry Christmas to all.

  6. Wonderful Christmas celebration. We are up to 19 stockings this year, and expecting #20 in July. I have five stairsteps of my own, with my oldest the shortest and my youngest the tallest. Are we living similar lives?

  7. Love the stockings and the photo of the photo ornament inspector.

  8. Sounds like the perfect Christmas!

  9. It all sounds wonderful and full of fun. That is a great way to hang stockings! Hey Mikey is adorable. Oh, to see through the eyes of a child once again. Thanks for sharing with us.
    Blessings, Betsy

  10. What a wonderful Christmas with family! :)
    Mikey is getting so big so fast!!

  11. Great to all be together. It takes effort but it's worth it.

  12. How wonderful to have the whole family together. Best gift of all! Mikey is so big and looks like the best tree inspector ever!

  13. Sounds like a great time all together - boy Mikey is getting big!

  14. I love the check in at the stocking wall. Yours sounds like a very special Christmas.

  15. Lovely to gather the whole family together and celebrate. Yesterday we were a smaller bunch but today's gathering consisted of 16. I think we have outgrown our table now.

  16. It sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas!

  17. Love to see your family and the big smiles. Wishing you all a blessed new year. Mildred (I started a new blog)

  18. All, everyone, altogether is a great happening. We have not had that happen for about six years now. I was having fun figuring out who had the outsiders in the family who may just become insiders. Mikey is such a cute little guy.

  19. diane in northern wisDecember 27, 2018 at 8:20 PM

    What lovely pictures. Thank you for sharing them and the story of your lovely Christmas church service. We had to head out of town unexpectedly for Christmas when we heard our granddaughter was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. We made the best of a scary situation and after emergency surgery she is now back home with her family. whew. Thank you Lord for seeing us thru another scary situation. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both! You have a great blog.

  20. Isn't it wonderful when you can get all of your family together? We had all of ours home for the first time in a few years and it was so nice. Sounds like you had a perfect day!

  21. Sounds like a lovely Christmas service; we went Christmas Eve too, our Church has an amazing choir. We had a quiet Christmas, just the two of us. I miss the big family Christmasses with all mt siblings.


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