Tuesday, December 11, 2018


I have been doing a few Christmas Cards at a time and mailing them when I have been to town.

buried under cards 

Some cards must have hand written notes…they just must.

One day when I was gone Far Guy printed off the Christmas Letter…there is a typo…oh well. If people read it fast they won’t notice.

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  1. Well, a typo won't hurt. I'm sure your family and friends who notice it will understand that those things happen.

    Good luck finishing up all your cards.

  2. What a joy those cards are and that letter ! :)

  3. Most people probably won't even notice the typo. Our brains seem to be wired to just read over it.

  4. You are too funny! Love that Jinx! I have to get a move on here...."miles to go before I sleep"!

  5. Jinx seems to be okay getting carded. :-)

  6. I was hoping to get cards and letters out this week, but it might not happen. I'm having to work extra hours this week to meet some deadlines and that cuts into my "creative" time.

  7. What's life without a few typos here or there.

  8. Poor Jinx. What’s he up to that he’s getting carded? I sent out Christmas letters for 25 years. The last two were the first years I didn’t send them since we moved to Spokane. Every letter had a typo in i, no matter how hard I tried. I would proofread them over and over and then when I finally printed them, there it would be! Nobody will know and nobody will care. They’ll just be so happy to get the letter and catch up with you. Blessings, Betsy

  9. Perfection is not as wonderful as people think it will be. LOL!
    I'm glad you guys are feeling better. :)

  10. You sure do put a lot of effort into Christmas!
    I on the other hand, am having trouble getting motivated.....

  11. People will just be glad to hear from you, they won't notice the typo.

  12. Typos happen but often people don't notice the typo, handmade cards are awesome

  13. Those typos will get you every time! I don't know how they get so good at hiding.

    I'm still procrastinating on getting my cards done. I have to have just the right mood all set up: tree with lights on, mellow Christmas music, spiced cider or hot chocolate or something yummy on hand. And yes, there are some cards which absolutely must have that personal message. That's the whole reason for settling in for some cozy card-writing time :)


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