Friday, December 21, 2018

All Boxed Up

The last of the gifts have been boxed up.  These are special “from the heart” gifts to be revealed at a later date.

All boxed in 

I made one last trip to the Post Office…the guy that works there looked at me and sighed as I dumped more packages on his counter.   There was a long was longer when I left.

I have made the list and checked it twice.  Everything will be checked off by the end of the weekend…I hope.  I have gifts to deliver and last minute errands to run.

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  1. Yep! It's 'crunch time' although other than the kids I figure the adults can hold on through the Christmas season if I'm a little late with deliveries which I usually am. Today I have to go to Walmart for the last 'haul' to get me through the New Year. You are so organized plus you have an 'elf' to help you...Gene! LOL! I need a whole troop of elves! I hope we all get our things checked off our lists so we can relax and have a wonderful Christmas! Merry! Merry!

  2. I love it. Your beautiful photos of Christmas Cheer with Jinx in them make me smile! I hope to plan a bit better for next year's Christmas. I think it fell flat on me this year.

  3. You're almost over the hump. Sounds like you're organized and it's all going to be wonderful.

  4. Sounds like you’re almost ready, same here, just a few things left to do. Catching up on your blog, so sorry to see you lost your Chance, it’s not easy saying goodbye to those faithful members of our family.

  5. Glad you're almost finished and also glad I wasn't behind you in line.haha

  6. Lines seem to be everywhere this time of year. I was happy to see the local post office had four clerks working at the window - it helped.

  7. I went to the Post Office one day last week and the line was long, but not as long as it probably would have been this week. The line at the grocery store yesterday was long too. But since my kids, grandkids, and dogs will all arrive today I'm guessing I won't have to brave any crowds for the next 3 days except the crowd in my kitchen. Merry Christmas!

  8. He knows you well, doesn't he? You must be one of his best customers. :-)

  9. All of the posts I’ve been reading about busy post office’s make me extra glad I haven’t had to stand in those lines this year. I love the picture with Jinx in the boxes. I’m glad that you’ll soon be done with all the rushing and will be able to just enjoy Christmas. Blessings always, Betsy

  10. Beautiful packages and I love Jinx! Yes, this will be one busy weekend. My gifts are all wrapped and under the tree but I have a lot of cleaning and baking to do now. It gets hectic. We have a Christmas activity everyday next week plus my son's birthday. I do love Christmas but also look forward to the peace of January! Merry Christmas Connie!

  11. Not much time left. Sounds like you have a handle on it, though.
    I wonder if the postal staff will remember you next year--LOL! :)

  12. I hoped you checked that list twice, don't want to make any mistakes and forget someone

  13. You're going to need more than a 24 hour day.

  14. I'm down to the final list making before the big event too.

  15. Funny how the fellow at the post office sighed when he saw you coming!

  16. Glad you got everything sent out on time, and are on track for being ready to enjoy the big day.

  17. I made a couple of trips to the p.o. to mail pkgs to my sister. Thankfully it all made it to her on time!


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