Saturday, December 29, 2018

11 years

I began blogging on this date in 2007.  Time goes by faster and faster as you get older.  I read someplace or someone told me  …when your brain is all filled up with memories time seems to go faster and faster….when we are young and had fewer memories time went by slowly.

Today I will share with you again the much awaited Japanese Lilac blooms…I waited 17 years for them to bloom so they are worth a mention or two on the blog!

Japanese Tree Lilac Blooms

I was thrilled with these long awaited blooms.

The blog will continue, perhaps a bit differently some days.

Thank you for reading.  When I first began this blog it was in a Area Newspaper, sadly those blog posts are no longer available to read…however I was fairly anal back then and made hard copies.

Blog Signature


  1. Wow! That's a long time. I can't remember when I started but it's been years. !7 years for the lilac to bloom? Does it usually take that long? I want to get up north and plant an orchard but at my age will I be there to harvest? It would be nice to find a place where they of like minds and had all that planted already. I'll make it north someday either in this life or the next! LOL! I sure hope you keep blogging but if not, I have your email address! LOL! What do you have planned for New Years Eve and the New Year?

  2. I checked your Forgotten Old Photos blog every day for a long time & then got started checking/reading this one. I love to see your posts every day.

  3. The blooms are gorgeous. My mom loved lilacs. I found your blog in 2008!

  4. I started blogging in 2009 and somewhere along the way I discovered you and don't think I've missed a day. You and your family feeling like kin. :-)

  5. I hope our lilacs bloom this year.... last year they didn't. I need to give them a good pruning. 17 years, you must have been so delighted when they bloomed.
    I'm coming up on 11 years blogging too, can't remember what year I found yours but I enjoy reading it even if I don't always comment.

  6. I love your blogs. Happy bloggerversary! Sure hope your lilacs bloom agin this year.

  7. Beautiful lilacs!! We enjoy your blogging, it an every morning read.

  8. I had to check my stats to see that I started blogging in spring of 2008, so just behind you a bit. Like DJan said, we connected somehow long ago and now you feel like my Minnesota family. I think I might actually have family in Minnesota but I don't know them. I know you.

  9. Happy Blogoversay! I’m always impressed when I see your daily blogs. That takes such dedication and I am not good at it at all. Those blooms are absolutely gorgeous. 17 years is a long time to wait. Many blessings, Betsy

  10. Happy Anniversary to you and your blog!!

  11. Yes, happy blogoversary. Eleven Years! Blogging has changed so much over the years. There have been times when I thought I would give it all up. I’m glad I didn’t, but I certainly have not been as consistent as you have been. Keep on keeping on. Blogging is a treasure to the blogger, and to his or her readers.

  12. I've been blogging 12 years but am only doing a weekly post these days. The amazing part about you blogging for 11 years is that you have been blogging every single day! At least since I began following you quite a few years ago. So this is an extra special blogoversary! Congrats!! I look forward to many more years. :)

  13. I started blogging many many years ago too.... but I've deleted those blogs along the way, opting for new ones. I wish I hadn't done that but it's done now! Please keep blogging as it seems to be a lost art. Lovingly, Andrea xoxo

  14. Happy Blogoversary! I'm a relatively new reader, so I selfishly hope you will continue your blog indefinitely. Realistically, life changes continually, so it's reasonable that your blog will evolve and adapt as long as you choose to continue it.

    And you have a lovely collection of posts for newbies such as myself to enjoy at our leisure!

  15. I enjoy your blog daily! Love the lilacs.

  16. I moved away from a lilac that I really never saw in full bloom. I think it put out a sprout once a few years ago. We have sunshine today with snow on the ground. It was 11 degrees F. when we started our day. I can see with Minnesota seasons that a shrub could take a while to develop into a mature bloomer.

  17. Yes, time goes by quickly. A year is a much smaller part of our life when we are old.

  18. The Japanese Lilac is lovely and well worth the wait. Congratulations on your anniversary! I have enjoyed your blog for several years now and it has become a part of my life. I occasionally consider starting a blog but I'm not sure I have the talent or fortitude to keep up with one. Your blog is a wonderful history for you and your family and a joy for many.

  19. 11 years woo hoo, way to go doesn't time fly, hope you are around for many more years

  20. Happy Anniversary to you and your blog! I have enjoyed getting to know you and to visit you daily!

  21. Wow, that’s dedication, in both instances. Eleven years of daily blogging, and 17 waiting for the lilacs to bloom. Congratulations! Do you think they will bloom next year?

  22. Your lilac is beautiful! I'm glad you are going to continue to blog... I enjoy reading your posts!

  23. Congrats on 11 years of blogging!

  24. Congratulations! I didn't realize we both started blogging so close together - my blog started in late November 2007.

  25. Beautiful bloom. My blog started not too long after yours. Funny how they evolve, isn't it?

  26. Congratulations on 11 years of blogging. You are one of the most faithful bloggers. So many days I can't think of a thing to blog about.

  27. Happy blogiversary! Congratulations on eleven years! Time does fly when you're having fun ;)

  28. I'm glad you have continued to blog. I read it nearly every day. Some days, I don't even get my old fashioned paper diary open. Right now, I have five pages, I'd like add a few more words to before the year is over. I spend more afternoons taking long naps than I did when Jeanne introduced me to your blog. I hope you continue blogging for many years. I feel you are a friend though we have never met.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie