Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Wistful Wednesday : 1988

A family photo taken in 1988…that was 30 years ago. 

Family Photo 1988 (2)

I was 37, Far Guy was 38, Trica was 16 and Jennifer was 13.  If I look tired it was because of the teenage girls! I think I was cutting my own bangs back then…just hacking them off with the sewing scissors.

I think this photo was taken for the church directory.

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  1. Nice that you have this photo. When we get them taken, we don't always realize how happy we will be to look at them when we are older.

  2. I laughed at your bangs, my mother couldn't have done better! It is a very nice family photo. I'm often surprised to find that thirty years can go past so fast! Thanks for sharing, and happy Thanksgiving! :-)

  3. I still have the same bangs! LOL. Honestly I am not sure they are any straighter when I pay an outrageous sum for a professional to trim them. Lovely family. Goes by in the blink of an eye, doesn't it?

  4. What a great photo. Love your bangs!

  5. 30 years goes by so fast. We have very similar portraits taken for our church directory. I’m really happy to have them now. And, I think your bangs look great! Blessings, Betsy

  6. Great photo. Isn't it odd how unnatural and uncomfortable the photographer's instructions are for a pose, yet they look natural in the finished portrait.

  7. Those 30 years go by way too quickly. 1988 was a year I definitely would not like to revisit for a lot of reasons. But it is fun to see how our children have changed, and how our fashion has changed.

  8. That is a beautiful picture of a very good looking family! It doesn't seem like 1988 was 30 years ago - it goes so fast. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!

  9. 30 years makes a big difference! Your much better now.

  10. It is a lovely family photo! I had glasses like that but mine were dark...they were huge back then. It's amazing what's in style at the time and then years later you wonder why. I still think it's a great photo. I've pretty much always cut my own hair and I've had a few 'doozies' over the years! LOL!

  11. I'm always startled when I see old photos of myself because often inside my head, I still look that way. And then I look in the mirror and wonder who that silver-haired old woman looking back at me is.

  12. Such fun to look back. Love the 80s big glasses. I had a pair, too. Great photo!! :)

  13. Looking at past family portraits can be so nice I have 6 hanging on the wall in front of me

  14. It is a great family photo! Have a good Thanksgiving tomorrow!

  15. We have a similar family photo for a church directory taken about that same era.

  16. diane in northern wisNovember 21, 2018 at 7:07 PM

    Oh I love that picture of your family Connie! That's awesome. How fun to look back a few years. Wishing you and yours the happiest of Thanksgivings! We're traveling so I'm praying for good roads for all travelers!

  17. I think you look a lot younger than 37!

  18. That's a nice family photo. 30 years ago we were all in the thick of raising our kids.

  19. Those teenage girls may have sucked all the energy out of you, but look at those terrific smiles!

  20. I love this picture! Gosh, doesn't time fly! The glasses you two are wearing look a lot like my sewing glasses. Really! When Madison was younger she would say Grandma, those aren't really your glasses, are they??


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