Friday, November 9, 2018


It was bound to happen.  Far Guy shared his sore throat with me.  What a bummer.

He will have to take care of his own self for a few days.  He feels a “tad” bit better.

Good thing I made soup when I did.

I had many long naps yesterday until the throat or the bladder woke me up.  I missed my usual Bingo date with my Dad…he probably went by himself.

Sedum with snow

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  1. Oh sorry to hear that. It's no fun being sick. I've got to stop with the healthy food as evidently I do not need all the fiber! LOL! I am just fine in that department and the doctors should realize not all old people are the same. I don't think our systems like a lot of change either when they age. I'm going back to my old standard recipes. I tried.
    The grands were excited last evening as they were tracking their first snow event. Third generation of snow and storm lovers! Looks like you've had several already. We're getting our first freeze tonight....23 F! Stay warm and cozy and I hope you both feel better soon.

  2. Ohhhh No! Yes, I hate it when my hubby shares his colds, ... normally that doesn't happen at all, however I got a doozy this summer from him. He picked it up while he was in the hospital and I got it. It was nasty.
    I awoke in the middle of the night to snow.
    Love your photograph! Wow!

  3. That stinks. Stay cozy, and I hope the soup helps.

  4. Take care, & hope you feel better soon.

  5. Sorry you're sick now. But glad Far Guy is a tad bit better... Any improvement is good.

  6. Take care of yourselves. Colds are no fun.

  7. Rest is the best medicine! Hope you feel better soon and that FG keeps recovering.

  8. I really hate when my hubby "shares" with me. Hope you feel better soon.

  9. Drat! It was probably bound to happen, but what a bummer for both of you. Yes, I am also glad you made that soup when you did. :-)

  10. Ugh. Both of you need to straighten up up there! ;-)

  11. Wishing both of you well

  12. My husband and I share everything, diseases included. Hope you feel better soon.

  13. Oh no! I’m so sorry that you are sick now. I guess it was bound to happen since he’s been sick for so long. It’s hard to stay away from those germs. I’m glad he is a little bit better and I will add you to my prayer list.
    Many blessings my friend, Betsy

  14. Oh dear. I hope you feel better soon.

  15. oh bummer - stay warm, rest and sleep away that sore throat.

  16. Germs just love to be shared! Rest, hydrate, and eat some nutritious soup.

  17. Oh no--I wondered if you would catch it. Take care. Soup's just the thing. Glad FarGuy is starting to get better! :)

  18. Oh no sorry to hear this . Lots of R&R soup and a treat of something sweet always helps to *smile* and if your a hot tea drinker like I am lots of cups of that to ! I do hope you both feel better soon

  19. Oh no! I hope you both are feeling much better very soon. Take care of yourself!

  20. Oh, gosh! Be sure and check for strep otherwise lots of rest, tea and soup!! Hugs!

  21. diane in northern wisNovember 9, 2018 at 7:42 PM

    Oh no....both of you please, please, please get well soon! Or even sooner than that!

  22. I'm sure I've heard that sharing makes one feel better. Oh, well, maybe not that kind of sharing, but it seemed to have worked for FG.

  23. What bad luck! I hope you feel better soon.

  24. I know Far Guy is a really thoughtful guy but...some things are just better, kept to one's self. :(

    Hope you BOTH get to feeling better soon.

  25. We recently had our flu shots and usually we both catch a cold right away after that. I am sorry you are catching the Guy’s cold. I hope that you just take good care of yourself and it goes away soon.


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