Friday, November 2, 2018

Ready or Not

We finished the last of the outside Fall “stuff”…we are as ready as we can be for winter and I hear it may look a lot like winter soon.  We put away patio furniture, washed the last two windows, cleaned up the sauna, mulched leaves for the very last time, put away the lawn mower and the three wheeler for the winter, drained the water hose and put it away.

We took one day off to visit our former brother in law.  We had a good last visit with him.  He has multiple myeloma and has hospice care at his daughters home.  He told us he was tired and felt he would be leaving this world soon. Heaven will be his home.  Our hearts are breaking for our niece and nephew, their spouses and children….they are so young and both have recently become new parents.  Both little grandboys were there and they made their Grandpa smile…one is a year old and the other is just five weeks old and came all the way from Japan to meet his Grandpa.

Ready for winter or not…ready for another death or not…God is in charge and we best remember that.

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  1. Trying to get ready for winter here also. I pray your former brother-in-law doesn't have to suffer much longer and I pray for his family. Have a great weekend.

  2. "Ready or not....". No truer words!! May your former brother-in-law rest in peace when his time comes. Love, Andrea xoxo

  3. Hospice care is a blessing for the family, at least it was for us when my mother was near the end. So glad you have things ready for winter as it eases the mind.

  4. It's hard to say good-bye and to let go of our loved ones. May God bring peace and comfort to your former BIL and his extended family.

  5. It is so sad and hard to say good-bye to loved ones I send prayers to you all . We were ahead of the game with our season clean up but it has been raining for days and we have tons of leaves again to clean up still hoping we get some sunshine this weekend and are able to get the rest all tidied up and mulched then we will be done .

  6. “Ready or not...”. Very true words. Death will come to us all whether we are ready or not. I pray that your brother in law has peace and an easy passing. How wonderful to have his family all around him right now.

  7. And that is the hardest thing about living. Sigh!

  8. Hard to say goodbye. How wonderful that they came all the way from Japan to see him!
    Sounds like you are all set for winter. It's time to hunker down. ;)

  9. I've done my last for winter . Today it's snowing. I think this will go your way. Tomorrow we get a high of 8 C so a lot of this may melt.

  10. So very true. Be it winter or death it will surely come. I pray that your BIL will not have to suffer long before moving on to be with the Lord.

  11. Good for you with all your fall maintenance behind you. It's been raining so I still have things to do when it stops. About your last statement....."truer words were never spoken". Have a nice Friday night.

  12. You've gone through a lot this year. I send a hug. But you are right. It is all in God's hands!! I am not ready for winter. I should get busy!!

  13. So sad to see such losses. I lost my mother and one of my brothers to cancer at far too young an age for them. Cancer doesn't care. Yes I think winter will be with us before long too. You can feel it coming in the air.

  14. Glad you got all of your fall "stuff" completed and are ready for winter. We are almost ready just a couple of things left to do. I am so sorry about your brother in law... losses are tough. So glad he got to meet his new grandson before he passed.

  15. I am also glad to hear you are now completely winterized, with time to spare. So sad about your brother in law. I guess it's a good thing he's in competent hands and is now at peace with his fate. I can only wish the same happens for me. Sending you lots of love.

  16. You have had a lot of end of life to deal with lately. I hope you can settle into the winter content in knowing that you are ready for what comes.

  17. What a lovely, bittersweet post. Wise words to end on.

  18. It sounds as though you're as ready for both things as you can possibly be.

  19. It is an uneasy time when they are so sick and the disease is so bad. I am glad you got to go for a visit.

  20. What a gift to have family close by to bring those smiles, even in such difficult times as this. Hugs and prayers for all of you!


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