Tuesday, November 27, 2018

envelopes and a question

I am messing with the envelopes that will accompany our Christmas cards this year.


As you can see with the blue snowflake I am easily distracted.

The envelopes were stamped with a snowflake on the back flap. They are colored in either silver, gold or that one blue one…it was just a test!


joyful wishes on the front of the envelope will either be plain white, silver or gold…depending on how many I get done.

I have 140 envelopes to do.  We send out many Christmas Cards. How many do you send out?

Now we should be thinking about the marvelous woodcarved  Christmas ornament giveaway.  Please leave a comment telling me how many Christmas Cards you mail every year to be entered into the giveaway…  you can also email me your comment.  I will close the giveaway on Saturday night and draw some winners!

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  1. Love the envelopes and you have beautiful handwriting. As for Christmas cards.....5-10...I told you I don't have many friends! LOL! Most of those are relatives too.

  2. I love your envelopes. Sorry to say I have whittled my card list down to around 12-15. Mostly those people I don't see much or talk to much anymore.

  3. I used to send out maybe a dozen but these days it's down to only a few family members.

  4. I used to send out about 30. But now it's only about 10.

  5. I have also whittled mine down to about 6 or 7. Saddens me when I think about it.

  6. Fewer than half a dozen. I receive less than that, just a few holdouts who won't give up. :-)

  7. Down to about 45, makes me sad as the list has shrunk due to attrition.

  8. I usually send out about 75. But I'm debating this year. It seems so expensive with postage 50 cents apiece. I think I will send out fewer and put real letters in those...and they may not all get sent prior to Christmas. I just think a personal letter means more from me than just the card. What do you think?

  9. We will send a couple dozen or so. I love receiving Christmas cards, but I think people are sending them less often.

  10. I usually send out around 40. Not sure what I am going to do this year. Thanks for having this contest it is fun!

  11. We are down to maybe 12 "chosen" people. Usually I wait to get one before I send one so our yearly updates don't just pass in the mail. Some years we make our own using a photo from a trip somewhere - not a photo with us in it but something people might enjoy more! We don't put up a tree or decorate much and I wait until a week or two before Christmas to do that and take it down before New Year's. I used to do more but it depresses me to undecorate. I'm old!

  12. I send maybe a dozen. Most of my friends no longer send any. When I was a kid the entire rec room had cards along the ceiling. It had knotty pine walls and my Mom would tuck in the cards under the trim. No one does that any more. Sad.

    1. I do! I hang the cards on a string around the patio door or ceiling. I LOVE to look at the cards.
      Blessings, Betsy

  13. We send out around 40, give or take. I am thinking of cutting down because of the price of stamps. Also, I am finding that less and less people send cards especially to people that they see on a regular basis.

  14. Only 5 to 10 cards anymore. So many people have passed on and not so many left who actually enjoy Christmas. I send to those I don't see over the Holidays as they live far away. Or to those who live in the same state (MN) but don't see but stay in touch via social media. Your cards are so nice and I'm sure anyone who receives a card from you appreciate the work you put into them. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your carved items - they are so nice and you and your husband are so talented. Ranee (MN)

  15. We normally send out about 12 to 15 cards. We usually hand deliver about 10. I would love to be entered into your contest as i need some Christmas spirit this year.

  16. Usually I mail 45-50 cards to relatives and old friends. More and more people are sending cards or email letters.

  17. I usually only send out just a few and write a long letter to those who are elderly and would appreciate a letter.


  18. I send about 15 cards out each year. Mostly to old friends and family that I don't see in person any longer. Some are friends of my Mother who has since passed. Thank you for keeping us in the spirit with your beautiful carved ornaments.

  19. I am excited just to see what the Christmas ornament is this year! I used to send out about 50 cards, now I am afraid 10 or less... Many that were on my list are gone now.

  20. We usually send out between 90 and 110 cards. Until last year I included a letter telling about our year. I never liked those letters before we moved, but I found it and easy way to update everyone on our family happenings. One year I didn’t send the letters and I had many calls and emails asking why, because they enjoyed them! Now that the kids are grown and gone though, our lives are much more boring so I stopped the letter last year.

    I love getting cards. I hang them around the patio door or around the ceiling on a string. I keep them after Christmas and every day throughout the next year I take a card from the stack and pray for that person or family.
    Blessings always, Betsy

  21. Just a few now. At most I may have sent 25.
    Have a great Christmas season. Enjoy all and everyone around you. Hugs.

  22. When I moved up here from the Twin Cities in 1999 I was sending out 110, but over the years I am down to 63. Still make almost the same number of cards though because Leah and I make ours together and need close to 100--LOL!

    I love those envelopes with the embossing!! How fancy. Looking forward to seeing your ornaments this year...and your cards. :)

  23. I send out about 30 down from 80 or so when we were first married 45 years ago. I send photo cards now and for the last 4 or 5 years

  24. In the past I have mailed dozens and dozens, just have fallen out of habit. May send out 6-12 this year. I remember as a child loving to read the cards and notes our family received and seeing them displayed on the wall.

  25. I send about 30-40 or so. I also send a dozen or so additional ones for work customers.

  26. Sending and receiving Christmas cards is one of my favorite parts of the holiday. I have quite a few pen pals and a lot of family who live away so I send out around 100 cards

  27. We send 20 to 30. Our list is diminishing, sadly.

  28. My list is down to about 40 now from a high of 200. Mostly friends from when I lived in Europe and other people that no longer live close by. I make all my own cards and enjoy thinking of the recipients as I make them. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of your carvings. I love seeing what you make every year.

  29. Our list has been shrinking too. I only send to those out of town. Probably ten at the most.

  30. Yup, shrinking list here, too. I used to send about 50 or so, along with a letter, but as I am now in my late 60s, many former recipients have passed or contact has been lost. Just a few to distant relatives now. I have found that many young people aren't interested in sending cards anymore. I loved getting and sending Christmas cards!!!

  31. I still send about 70 cards. I have cut down the list a lot over the last few years. Only to people out of town.

  32. Will be sending out about 25 and used to be about triple that number.
    Things change as the years pass by.
    Phyllis Schmitz

  33. I send out about 70 usually but not sure if I’ll get that far this year. Time has gotten away from me.

  34. Really so nice I send around 50 Christmas cards each year

  35. We are down to 12 cards but we send about 50 emails. Yes, I've won one carving and I can tell everybody that the carvings are well worth it.

  36. My Goodness but you do send out a LOT of cards, as do many other commenters. I am slowly making my list shorter and shorter and I notice others are also sending less.

  37. diane in northern wisNovember 27, 2018 at 7:02 PM

    Oh wow ….another one of your wonderful wood carved giveaways. I love the things you carve and paint....you two are so talented! As far as Christmas cards go...we send out about 70 each year. I always go thru the list and check off who sent us cards in return, thinking I will reduce the list for the next Christmas...but then I always end up sending cards to everybody the next year. I love getting them!!! You're very ambitious to send out 140 cards! And your cards are amazing! Wish I was on your list! Early holiday blessings to you both!

  38. Your hand made cards and envelopes are very special. Lucky people on your list.
    We send out about 70 cards each year, with a letter and usually a photo card. Not sure what we'll do this year. I haven't got to that task yet.

  39. Last night I did 28. I think that's down this year too. Couldn't find my list so went with people in my phone.

  40. Oh I think I do about 20 to 30. I also try to sit down and hand write letters. This year I may actually type and print some out as writing. I'm still debating that.
    The cards are those I make from a photo so it is pretty easy.

  41. Wow, you send a lot! I love the gold writing. So elegant. We send out about 20 and hand out a few more to neighbors with cookies.

  42. Your envelopes are looking pretty. I send out about 35 Christmas cards, this year maybe 40 since I have met some nice ladies in my church widows' group this year.

  43. We send about 60 cards out now, but used to send much more. My grandparents' generation is dying out and they were the ones that enjoyed receiving cards the most. :(

  44. Hi Connie,
    Love the pics of Chance, but my favorite shows his heart. I bought 5 more cards to send out so that makes 9 in all.
    How did Far Guy attach the leaves on the daisies. Love them.

  45. We send out 65 plus. Sometimes someone we haven't heard from for a while sends us a card and note which I answer. My mother always hung the cards we got around the arches of our living room. There were three arches...one to the hall, one to the dining room and one to the entry way. We always stopped to look at them before we went to another room.

  46. I love to receive Christmas cards and I send out about 140 as well.

  47. I mailed out almost 80 cards this morning (we are leaving on a vacation Friday and I think the cards won't arrive until December 1. I keep thinking I will whittle down the list, maybe only send to those who send back (but what about elderly and homebound?), or just close family (but sometimes it is the only way I keep in touch with old friends). And with a new grandchild every year, I like to do a little gramma bragging, too :)

  48. I used to make my cards fans then it got too many fir me to keep up about 60-70. So I went to purchased ones that I was very fussy about everything from the paper to the inscription to the envelope. Now I only send to out of townerd about 30 and make a few special ones like my sister for another 5 or 6.

  49. We are down to less than 10, and those mostly to out of town, and who don't use the computer much. We send about 20 out electronically

  50. Sending out about 80 cards with letter in some. This year card is pictures of my 7 great grandkids who are scattered all over. I keep all the picture cards I receive and place in albums.

  51. We send them out when I get the letter written. The letter is edited by my wife and then we get the cards addressed. I think forty or more get sent out I am not certain. I know we send out late ones when we get some we had forgotten to do.

  52. We send out about 160 photo cards with the "form letter". My husband writes the letter and many on our list say they look forward to his letter.

  53. We send out between 20 and 25. The postage is awful
    The card to our daughter in Japan runs $2.50.

  54. I am only sending 20. All with a handwritten note. Thanks for the opportunity to enter the giveaway.

  55. I hand deliver about 25 cards and mail about 5 cards.

  56. Forty-ish here... husband is one of seven and I’m one of four, and we both live far away from our families.

  57. Our Christmas list is now down to about 25. I do hand deliver about 5 Of those. Thank you for the opportunity to win a beautiful ornament.

  58. Usually one book of stamps will mail our cards, so that would be twenty, I guess. But then I wind up mailing a few extras.

  59. Probably about 10 these days. So many people who I would have written to have died. And new friends expect a text or Instagram or WhatsApp.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie