Saturday, June 17, 2017

Chance: Daisy Time

Didja know I am a model along with being one of the most handsome Border Collies in all of Minnesota. (Humble too!)

Chance and the daisies

The daisies are in bloom.

Still in the daisies

They are still in bloom, how many photos does she need anyway?

escaping the daisies

Enough already!

I had to stay home all alone one afternoon last week it was too hot to go in the car.  Far Side says “ You cannot go today because you will croak in the car, it is too hot.”  So I stayed all alone.  I did get to visit my friends Odda and Putz one evening, it has been stormy and my best safe spot is under the stairs or underfoot. Evening trips outside are quick and right down to business when it is thundering and windy.

Most days I still go and get the mail with Far Guy unless it is too windy.  They say I sleep a lot…I cannot get into the car by myself anymore…I need some help getting my back end to work with my front end…and someone has to lift my butt up to get into the car.  Far Side says “Getting old sucks Chance.”  I can still hear pretty good most days, and I can see the squirrels and Ravens in the yard and chase them off….and I almost got a chippy one day last week….Far Side says “A dumb chippy or a nearly lucky Chance.” I play a little ball but not for very long. 

At least I am still able to walk amongst the daisies instead of pushing them up!



  1. Gosh, Chance, I was just wondering when you might be posting on here, and my wish came true! You are getting old, like me, and although I am enjoying my golden years, sometimes in my dreams I run and play like I used to. I'll bet you do, too. :-)

  2. We all get by wi a little help from our family and friends. Take care, Chance

  3. Bob says hello and wants to know if you insist on a green tennis ball. My humans know mine have to be green tennis balls and they don't bother to bring home anything else. You look real handsome in that daisy patch, Chance. I get in trouble for standing in the flowers like that so I must not look as good as you do.

  4. Awww Change - I'm so happy you're doing well!

  5. Such a happy looking boy even if he is slowing down.

  6. Chance is a good dog! Puts up with his service humans.

  7. OH! Please give Chance a hug for me. He is a lovely sweetie!

  8. That chippy will not underestimate you anymore! LOL!
    You are very handsome in the daisies. I see why lots of pictures were needed. :)

  9. You're a good boy, Chance, and I'll bet Far Side doesn't mind giving you a butt lift once in a while!!

  10. Listen to Far side because she knows what she's doing.

  11. You sure are a handsome dog, Chance.

  12. Yes, better to walk among the daisies rather than push them up!

  13. You are a beautiful dog. And so are the daisies!

  14. Chance, every day is precious, even if you aren't as mobile as you used to be. You are loved!

  15. Chance, you are a handsome border collie!

  16. The daisies are blooming here too. I'm glad Chance is still walking around flattening them.

  17. We all love seeing pictures of you Chance, and the daisies are wonderful.

  18. You are looking gorgeous Chance and the daisies are beautiful too.

  19. I used to think old age was like walking slowly down a ramp. Our "deterioration" would be like that. However it seems more like taking huge steps rather than slow, slight decline. Also, it is like Dominoes that are lined up. The first one is a minor ailment but when you engage it, it starts an avalanche of other problems. What are your thoughts on that, Chance?

  20. Barney naps a lot anymore too. He has an adjusted step now with a slanted box. The front is lower so his hind feet won't catch when he makes the first step up. He can climb them well but if his hind legs catch, he just sits down. Barney had his fleas treatment as he now lives in a neighbor hood full of many dogs. You are looking good Chance. It is good that you stay out of hot vehicles.

  21. Good for you Chance! Old age is not for the weak of heart! We had good news last week....when I went for my allergy shot Mom discovered that Annie and I are NOT 14 but 12.....just like you! We will turn 13 in August. We gained 2 years of life! LOL! Mom does that to herself too....I think her math background makes her round everything up. You look good among the daisies. BTW, Mom has a ramp for me that she got when her other dog got old and now I use it....I don't like it but I use it!


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