Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wistful Wednesday: Cousins

Last night we had our usual monthly cousins get together.  Geraldine drove..
We went to a cousins house who lives about an hour away.  There were five of us total..Diana finished a scrappy little quilt for a child, perhaps a girl, we will hold it in reserve ..I believe that we will know when the right time and person to give it to presents itself.  I shared some old photographs, the gals all had some input on this last batch of photographs..I can complete my project of scanning them now.  It is a good rainy day project.

We exchange information..who is sick, and who is feeling better, how one of the Aunts is doing after the death of her second husband.  She is a little lonely, but doing OK living alone again at well over 90 years old. Of course we always have dessert and last night was no exception, Evelyn prepared a fresh rhubarb dessert.

The photo today, is my cousin Geraldine, it was taken by my Mother in April of 1951, this was about the time that Geraldine became a big sister to Hilda (my cousin that I used to have the biting episodes with). Hilda was born in the spring and I was born in the fall.  Geraldine had to put up with both of us.  I loved visiting their farm, and having cousins to play with:)


  1. I just think it's so very cool ya'll have the opportunity to do this. What a blast it must be. My cousins are scattered all over the USA and I rarely get to see 'em. Thanks to the computer age.....we do keep in touch. Great pic of your sweet cuz!

    God bless ya and have a great day!!!

  2. I love that picture - so cute! What a blessing to be able to get together and share memories and good times. I'm glad you were able to make the trip.

  3. I think it is wonderful that you are able to get together with your cousins. I am a bit envious. I don't have much family left and those that are still living I haven't seen in 40 years. I wouldn't even know them anymore. I miss the connection to the past and the reminiscing.

  4. I don't have any family nearby, but I must say that Facebook has given me a chance to stay in touch with family members, friends from the recent and distant past, and present friends. Although it's somewhat of a time sink, I do appreciate the opportunity you have right there at hand! You are very fortunate!

  5. Sharing your story make me miss my cousins. Like others we are scattered all about. However when we get together, sometimes yers have past, it's like old times. We laugh and joke and share our many moments of growing up together. Thank God for giving a person the abilit to create makes it so much easier to keep in touch now.

  6. Cute picture of Geraldine. Bet the rhubarb dessert was delicious!

  7. She is my Mikies age. What fun to have cousins so close.

  8. Hi,, nice surprise don't remember seeing the picture before. Yes it was a nice evening wish more could have made it. geri

  9. Cute picture, haven't seen too many of when she was little, looks like my sister Cindy I think.

  10. Special times indeed. The old times and the new times.

  11. I want to have a cousins get together with mine!! You are so lucky!1

  12. What an adorable old photo. Love the new photos in the blog header too..

  13. I need to get in touch with my cousins. we just don't often.


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