Thursday, May 13, 2010


Far Guy and I do not see eye to eye sometimes.  It seems to be happening alot lately, perhaps it is the rain, perhaps we both have spring fever. Perhaps it is just perception.

Like the other day, I mentioned the millpond, at Osage.  I call the whole thing the millpond..the part with the new dam, pier, swimming area and the part of the lake before the narrows into the big lake.  Far Guy calls only the part with the new dam and the pier the millpond.  Jen our youngest daughter had her own opinion..but waffled back and forth between her parents opinions. Perhaps because it was Mother's Day she wanted to give me the benefit of the doubt, but she didn't want to totally squash her fathers thoughts either.

Years ago, in 1881  there was a sawmill built and the mill dammed up the whole lake and raised the water level by thirteen feet.  That is why there are so many deadheads on the edges of the lake..especially in the what I call the millpond area.  The sawmill became a flour mill and wheat was ground there before it was even ground in nearby big city Park Rapids.  The mill was owned by a cooperative of farmers.  They milled three grades ( patent, straight and export) of wheat..this in itself is impressive.  The dam collapsed in the spring of 1903 or 1904 ( I cannot come up with the exact date right now..lost local history book..put away too well) anyway when the dam was built it was built with a temporary piling of slabs and trees.  Over the years these slabs began to rot.   During the winter muskrats burrowed into the dam weakening it, during the spring run off the dam collapsed.

 This is the old photo postcard. The mill has fallen in.

This is a photo taken from almost the same view last weekend.  You can see the beach off to the right. In the old photo where all the people are standing is the present beach area.

On a side note, this area has caused arguements before.  Squire McKinley was the man who built the original sawmill and raised the water level.  Just down the road from us a half mile, was a farmer by the name of Siegford, one spring he noticed that the lake was coming up and water was flooding his barn.  He went to Osage, in search of Squire McKinley ..they disscussed the situation..and in a manly way solved the arguement.  Fisticuffs insued..the Squire won, and Siegford tore down his barn and moved it.

Now back to the our argument. I am no good at fisticuffs and we do not hit each other..ever. A Millpond is a pond formed by a milldam. OR any expanse of calm water OR a pool formed by damming up a stream to provide water to turn a millwheel.  Well both of these areas qualify, no one is right and no one is is all in your perception.  So Far Guy is half correct and I am half correct..exactly 50%. No more, no less..50 % wrong too..I can live with that.  Now finally we can put this argument to rest:)


  1. Sounds like a good settlement to me or just use the old adage to agree to disagree. Whatever the definition, I enjoy reading your lessons in local history. Those kinds of stories about everyday people and how they lived are so much more interesting than the history we were taught in school.

  2. Interesting history of an old saw mill. How devastating for it to cave in. I have known what muskrats can do to undermine a shore in our area.

  3. Good to hear you two are working it out and compromising.

  4. Good you two - keep it down. Interesting bits of information on the dam. Ya'll behave now. Chance is watching.

  5. So interesting, but you wouldn't want to get Steve and I in on that discussion. I wonder where it would go? I don't know what Steve's thoughts are, maybe we should all discuss it????? Don't know if you're up to that!!!!

  6. Compromise is good ~ what an interesting bit of info and picture. Even now, it is such a pretty, peaceful place.

  7. I loved the history lesson. Thanks for the before and after photos.

    Your header is really good, also.


  8. Ok, I'll do that.

    An interesting story about that old sawmill. As you probably might know, I just love to snoop around in historic area's and what is left of them. Good Post & Thanks.

  9. Very interesting story about the old mill.
    Sounds like to me spring needs to hurry up for you 2 so you can be in the great outdoors instead of cooped up inside finding things to argue about!
    HA,HA, HA, Blessings to you

  10. That is some history! The hubby and I sometimes love to disagree just for the sake of disagreeing;)

  11. What a great story, no matter what your perception is. I figure you=50%..Far Guy=50% so ya'll are battin' 100%. Now, that's the stuff a marriage is made of.

    Ya'll have a fantastic evening!

  12. Nezzy has it right 50-50 makes a good marriage.

  13. I love that first line! That is the king of understatements when applied here.

    The other day, we were having a discussion and Hubby says, I don't want to argue, you are right.
    And it was said with such disdain that I won nothing.

  14. Thanks for the history lesson (in my back yard) -- I wouldn't even be able to argue a point! I love your new header by the way!

  15. Ah, the perfect compromise... you're both right (or wrong - depending on your point of view)!

    Oscar is now off leash and running around without any problems.. finally! I'm going to do an update on Sunday about him.

  16. I think it is the weather.....Feeling cooped up myself.
    The part about that farmer tearing his barn down and moving it filled me with such images! Funny!

  17. It's the nature of marriage to have disagreements and then to work it out. I'm glad you keep clear of fisticuffs, they are such a blunt instrument to solve problems.

  18. Go tell Aunt Rhody.
    She died in the mill pond
    From standing on her head.


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