Sunday, May 30, 2010

Chance: My Sister

Yesterday my sister was in charge of me.  Far Guy went off to the Dentist with Far Side in tow..he needed to get a bad tooth pulled..Far Side needed to make sure he was going to be OK..hold his hand and get him back home safely. 

Since my sister was in charge.. we took the boat to the beach.  I never get to go there when there are lots of kids swimming, or when there are other dogs there..unless of course it is my sister's idea.  She didn't even make me wear a lead, the old fuddy duddies would have had that on me before I left the boat.   Far Side saw the photos of me playing at the beach and she was shocked..of course I was the entertainment at the beach for all the kids, I had a blast and my tongue was practically hanging in the water and I didn't want to get back on the boat.  I love water and kids splashing water for me to catch is my idea of a fine way to spend an entire afternoon. My sister is pretty cool.
 My sister also buys the biggest marshmallows I have ever seen in my life. They are humongous.
 One of my sisters offspring had marshmallow smeared on his pant leg.. Little Elvis and I cleaned that right up.

It was a good day, and got even better when we went to town and got an offspring of my other sisters..Madison is here for a few days..everyone was playing the card game "Spoons" while Little Elvis and I crashed under the table...just so you know, Far Side lost and all the kids said the loser had to eat a teaspoon of something right out of the Far Side sucked it up and closed her eyes while Madison put a spoon of something in her mouth..YEWW ..lemon juice..everyone was giggling so hard they woke me up.  I love my sisters, I am the closest thing to a brother they are ever going to get..and the best part is they have offspring that love me and they bring all their dogs to visit..and when they are in charge of me ..they have their own rules:)


  1. Sounds like you all had a wonderful time together! How is Far Guy doing today???

  2. Thanks Jo..he is OK..the verdict is still out whether his mouth and jaw feel better or not. We just have to be patient and wait and see:)

  3. that's what sisters and relatives are glad you got spoiled and got to have a ball!

  4. Spoons is a great game to play with a bunch of kids. I have scars from some of the games that I played with my nieces and nephews. :o)

  5. Oh, Chance, I am glad you didn't have to see Far Guy in pain. He and Far Side were good to give you the option of having a fun day rather than sit around and wait for them to come home. Plus, it gave us a new adventure to share with you, too! Thanks once again.

  6. Oh, just the word "dentist" is enough to make my mouth hurt! Glad you were there for your sister to have fun with. I am hoping Far Guy will be feeling better soon.

  7. It is sometimes just fun to go off schedule and do your own thing with sister. I love those huge marshmallows!!!! So I don't buy them, because I would get sick from eating too many of them. I can see everyone was very tired from all of the hard playing at the beach.

  8. Poor far Guy! Chance you rule and Far side is cool to let you post.

  9. What a wonderful day! Swimming off lead is the right of every dog.... tee! hee!

  10. It's good to have a change of routine sometimes Chance! Looks like a lot of fun and giggles. Here's hoping that Far Guy feels better very soon. You two fellas are lucky to have Connie taking good care of you.

  11. That last pic is a real keeper..........glad you enjoyed the freedom!

  12. I hope Far Guy is doing well.
    Chance, You have really done well making friends with little Elvis. That is a great photo of the two of you.

  13. Hey, Chance that's pretty cool. I go down and hang at Misty's ever so often, just to check things out, Misty is one of my sisters. The other two have dogs that I just don't like, but Misty had Checkers. I loved Checkers. I love the little kids too, so I understand what you are saying about the offspring.

    Anyway, glad you had a neat day!



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