Sunday, May 2, 2010

May Day

We delivered the May Baskets, Far Guy even went along!   Some of the small children were taking naps..some were awake..most of them smiled.  Kindergarten round up happens this week..four of them will be going off to school this hardly seems possible.  I hear that there are four kindergarten classes..perhaps one for each child.

When our girls were little Kindergarten was more like organized play time..having fun while learning..learning to share and to play well with others.  Now there are criteria that must be met, you must be ready to go to school.  It is a good thing I was never tested..I would never have made the Kindergarten cut. The country school that I was supposed to go to had no kindergarten classes.  Far Guy on the other hand excelled in Kindergarten, although I think he had to go visit his uncle once in awhile ..his Uncle was the Principal.

It rained most of the day, toward evening the skies partially cleared, enough so we could go for a walk.

 It has turned cold here, Far Guy started up the outdoor wood stove again..lows are to be near freezing this week.  It was warmer in March:)


  1. Awww! The kids are adorable with their baskets. I don't think I've ever done the May baskets in my childhood...and I've not done them with my kidlets either. I wonder if certain areas of the country do the May Basket tradition, while others don't? I think it sounds like fun. Maybe I can start a new tradition like this with them.

    My twinlings went to Kindie, but my daughter never has. She has been homeschooled, mostly due to her Autism. And my twinlings have been homeschooled since 2nd grade.
    I remember Kindie being very regimented and less play with more more focused learning, too.
    Too much pressure in my opinion. Let kids be kids for as long as possible. There is plenty of time to learn as they grow...and of course, there is plenty to learn in playtime, too. :)

    Thanks for sharing the photos and thoughts,

  2. Love the May Day smiles!

    My school did not offer a Kindergarten, but I don't think I would have made the "cut" either. Having to qualify for Kindergarten is crazy, in my opinion. As a retired teacher, I can honestly tell you that the whole education system is headed down a stony path, and the destination is not one of learning and success.

  3. Are the four quadruplets? Or did the birthdays in different families come close together?
    In kindergarten in our state, the children learn to read. Much of the stuff we learned in upper grades is continually being taught younger and younger.

  4. Those May baskets are almost as cute as the kids! As I discovered yesterday, many people had never heard of them, I wasn't alone in being introduced to them by you. I loved Kindergarten, and I loved school in general, but as many have already said, it was a different world then.

  5. miss Lynda, there are a set of twins..the boys in the second photo. The girl in the aqua dress and one of the nappers are the others going off to school in the fall..they are all my great nephews and nieces.. it is quite a group! Five of them live within walking distance of our house:)

  6. Darling photo's of the kids! I think it must be fun to have them living so close by. You can watch them grow up and really enjoy them.

    Hope your weather gets better!

    Emma sends kisses for Chance :)

  7. Odda and Hooch thank Chance for their May Day Treat!!!!!!!!!

  8. Looks like a fun May Day, sorry it is getting cold on you.

  9. The children are beautiful and your other picture is beautiful. You really have an eye for catching great shots. Thanks for sharing.

  10. may baskets are such a sweet tradition. i used to make them as a child, but there were never any flowers blooming in duluth in may except dandelions and those tiny scilla. i'd cram them in there.....

  11. I forgot about May Day this year. Darn. I really like the landscape photo, very pretty.

  12. Happy belated rainy & cold May Day.... Those little pre-Kindergartners are sure cuties!

  13. Sounds like a good day - and it ended with some beautiful skies.

    Freezing here again - but bright!

  14. I love May Day, but this year it sneaked up on us. We didn't make any baskets nor receive any. Nick got one from the Y, so he was a winner. Cute smiles...

  15. I love the May baskets and the children are all precious. We had heavy rain and wind last night after a high yesterday of 86*. I'm sorry you are having such cold temps. Give Chance a hug from me and Harriet.

  16. always fun to see the kids.
    I must remark that the photo has wonderful appeal... it needs to be painted (:

  17. Even though we had a way busy weekend where it would have been easy to bag the basket thing, my Betikins took a lovely variation of our annual May Day flower basket to Norrine, our neighbor lady, whom my girls, one or all four, have "secretly" given a basket to for the last twenty-five years. We do others when we can and we did take Arbor Day (apple blossoms) and May Day flowers on Friday and Saturday to the house we were engaged at this weekend. It is so wonderful to share blossoms and promises with others even if they have blossoms of their own. Your grand-n's are such a bright and cheerful crew, what fun you have with all of them! What a blessing you are for one another!


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