Sunday, March 23, 2025


 We have weather coming in and it makes my arthritic joints hurt.   I needed some comfort I made some scalloped potatoes.  I make the rue first...about 1/4 cup butter and 1/4 cup brown rice flour...heat it up and stir like mad for a couple of minutes then slowly add milk...about 3 cups heat it to almost boiling and set aside.  Then I peeled potatoes, chopped some ham and threw it all in a enamel speckled blue and white oval covered pan. Stir it up...add some salt and pepper...bake about 90 minutes.   It freezes well and I froze enough for several meals.   Far Guy said they were good.  Using the brown rice makes them gluten free.   Supper was a plain hamburger patty, salad, fruit and those wonderful scalloped potatoes. 

Far Guy worked on one of his wood projects.  He is feeling a bit better and I am cautiously optimistic that he is getting better a little at a time.  Of course we are living like hermits again only venturing out to get the mail. 

I did some crocheting while catching up on Survivor and watching old episodes of Tournament of Champions (a cooking show). 

 I added a few puzzles to Jigsaw Planet.  Here are the canoes on Spirit Lake.

It is a fun place to work missing pieces!

Far Side

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Out with the

 old broken  plastic brown sewing box, the latch was broken and if you lifted it up by the handle..."stuff" could fly everywhere.  I have had that sewing box about 50 years.  I think I got it for Christmas one year. 

 In with the new...also a Christmas gift from Far Guy.

All organized...I hardly ever use it but I have it just incase I need to hand sew something.  The crayon and colored pencil boxes from Michaels sure come in handy!  AND the best part is nothing will go flying everywhere. 

Who ever heard of a sewing box without a scissors??  I do have razor blades and a seam ripper!  I am sure I can find a scissors someplace for it.

We had a quiet day Friday, most everything is put away from the move.  I did a bunch of laundry and cleaned the bathroom.  We had salmon/pork burger no bun, baked potato, salad and raspberries for supper. 

Far Guy is maybe(knocks on wood)...maybe a tiny bit better. 

Far Side

Friday, March 21, 2025


 I found this photo in my archives.  Our fields look similar today...but it was warm so much of our snow has melted. 

There are Sandhill Cranes in the background with Trumpeter Swans and Canada Geese out front.

My thoughts...I like birds...they do not have "stuff"...they have what they need to get along day by day.  Three different species of birds all getting along in the same area...

maybe people could learn from birds. 

Happy Spring!

Far Side

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Settling in

 The roads were good.   We have snow in our yard.  My other baby brother sent Ryan over to shovel our walk!  The car was unpacked, Josh (next door nephew) helped with the last four heavy items.  I ran out of steam and had lunch when he stopped by to check on the elderly. 

Wednesday morning I went to the Post Office to stop forwarding our mail and by the store to get bananas and milk.  We are slowly getting "stuff" put away in its proper spot.  Luckily we have the same beds here as we have up North so that is never something we have to get used to.  The TV controllers are different! 

Inventory of the deep freeze was accomplished and a grocery list compiled.  

Today I will get Far Guy to his infusion and pick up groceries.  Our hope is that the infusion will not only protect his fragile lungs but allow him to breathe better.  Zemaira is the name of the Infusion that works the best for him.  Aralast is the infusion he has been on since June of 2015.  Zemaira (99% pure) is a more pure infusion...meaning it has less fillers and other "stuff" than Aralast (70% pure). 

One day at a time. 

Far Side

Wednesday, March 19, 2025


 We should be all moved back in the woods by the time you read this. 

Far Guy needs to be at a different Infusion Center.  The Infusion he has been getting doesn't allow him to get completely over the exacerbation he has been dealing with.  The proper infusion is available at our local small hospital infusion center...but not at the fancy big hospital ( they say it is a shortage or a distribution problem). 

We will have to travel back and forth to a few medical appointments for the next couple of weeks. 

A house, outhouse, woodpile and some geese at my Maternal Great Grandparents home a very long time ago. 

Thankful that we don't use an outhouse or a woodpile anymore and the Fox would just kill the geese. 

Far Side