Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Quiet Icy Day

 Far Guy and I stayed in all day.  Too icy to go out.  Ice has covered everything.  Thankful that we didn't have an appointments.  It is wicked slippery.  They closed the Interstate from here to Canada.

Far Side


  1. We had ice underneath the snow. But by afternoon yesterday most of the streets were melting. However, there are lots of piles of frozen slush everywhere the plows went. It's like cement at the end of our driveway.

  2. So glad you didn't have to go out in that awful slippery mess. And I first read that pillow as "the season to be silly." :-)

  3. Sounds like the same storm that went through our home state of South Dakota. They also closed the interstate.

  4. Oh my goodness, that is awful! I do hope it warms up enough to get rid of that ice very soon. We're expecting a high of 1C(34F) and with no wind it should be a very nice drive this morning.

  5. Yikes! I was reading about it on the news, that is something else!

    Good thing you can stay in.

    All peaceful here too.

  6. It's a good thing you don't need to leave home. It's too dangerous.

  7. Very sensible to stay home where it's safe. Good thing you had no appointments that you had to go to.

  8. Yikes! Ice is horrible. Doesn't matter what kind of vehicle you have, it is treacherous. Glad you can stay safe!

  9. Meanwhile, here in New York State, it is wet with drizzle and nearly 50 degrees. The weather is so unbalanced.

  10. It is good you didn't have to venture out in such weather better to stay home

  11. I'm glad the two of you stayed home and safe. Dennis had to go to work yesterday and said the roads were a bit icy in the morning but were just wet in the afternoon. It snowed off and on all day yesterday too but didn't accumulate any more. Zoey doesn't like the snow anymore this year than she did last year. We carry her out to the grassy area behind the condo and then carry her back inside. He tiny paws get pretty cold.

  12. Ice is not fun and traveling on it is difficult. I am amazed at how the weather is so different all over in the four states.

  13. I don’t like snow but I hate ice.

  14. So so sorry to hear about all your ice. Praying that things will be much better for you soon. Glad you're staying inside. Take good care.

  15. Yup! Ice. Enough they could plow it. Then snow on top of that. Dangerous slippery for a while, but then we had temps just above freezing that turned quite a bit of it to slush on the roads and sidewalks. I do love the snow, but do not love the ice. I'm glad you stayed inside! :)

  16. Whoa Nellie! I thought you guys only got snow. No one is safe anymore!


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