Tuesday, December 12, 2023


 Far Guy and I ventured out yesterday to his Doctor appointment, his old Primary Care Doctor here relocated so he has a new gal.   He needs a tetanus shot ...his ten years are up. She made him a list on a sticky note for things she wants clarified...like Advanced Care Directives...we turned them in last Spring...Far Guy wants to know how many copies they need?  He needs fasting lab work...all things that can be done here in town.  

After the appointment we went to Menards and then to Hobby Lobby where yarn might have been purchased for  new project.  You never can tell with these patterns how they will turn out...but I will give it a whirl. 

Sunday Jen was sick all day with the puking stomach flu...seems to be a six to seven day incubation...so we will see who gets it next.  

Andy and I made Chocolate Truffles and Bourbon Balls on Sunday.  Andy made Caramels on Saturday and Far Guy and I got them all individually wrapped on Sunday.  So we have a start on Christmas goodies. 

The tree across the street is all decorated with snow.

Far Side


  1. Whatever the project with the yarn, I'm certain it will be lovely.
    The Christmas goodies sound delicious. Hope Jen is feeling better soon.

  2. Glad to hear you've gotten established up there for the winter. I like that snow covered tree, and of course you will make something wonderful with that yarn. :-)

  3. Love the snowy tree. It's bare here. I hope we at least get a dusting for Christmas

  4. So sorry Jen is sick. I hope everybody doesn't come down with it--and hope she feels better soon.
    I have never made candy. You guys are quite ambitious! Sounds so good. :)

  5. Sorry to hear Jen is sick, hopefully not everyone there gets it too.
    I haven't tried making candy- sounds like Christmas is going to be sweet for you all!

  6. Other than Jen’s bout with a stomach flu, your adventures sound like fun. Ooh, the Christmas treats you made are the BEST - enjoy some for me.

  7. May you and FG stay well. We have no snow at all. The tree is pretty. The Christmas goodies sound really good.

  8. Kinda sounds like us, mixing health issues with Christmas fun.

  9. It sounds like you're stepping right into life there in the north. Beautiful tree and snow. You can keep it there. :-)
    The yarn project sounds interesting and the candy making fun but poor Jen. I wonder if ti's what I had over Thanksgiving. Hopefully the rest of you avoided it.

  10. Christmas really does need to be white...and you will get to have that. I love the tree.

  11. Last year I got a tetanus shot. I kept ripping my skin on rusty barbed wire. I couldn’t even remember my last shot so I got one. Good luck with new doc.

  12. Hope that flu bug doesn't spread through the house. Stay healthy!

  13. I'm so sorry the stomach bug is hitting your house.

    My new favorite doctor story is my orthopedist saying that there is no record of the surgery he performed on my hands many years ago in the computer, insinuating I was imagining it. As "she who throws nothing away", I brought in copies of my files I printed off at the time so they could scan them into my files.

    For a procedure done by this doctor, whose practice was and is in this very office in this practice. And I have the scars on my palms! Bring back the fat paper files.

  14. Sorry to hear that Jen is sick. I hope no one else gets it and she feels better soon.

    Looking forward to seeing what the next project is!

  15. Oh, poor Jen..I hate throwing up...it's the pits! oh! What's the new pattern? And where's a picture of the yarn(s)? Those goodies sound like things I could eat!

  16. So sorry to hear about poor Jen getting sick. Hope nobody else will get it there.
    I came down with a bad cold yesterday.....no better today. Ugh. Hope we all get better soon.

  17. Chocolate truffles and Bourbon Balls and Caramels. they all sound wonderful.

    I hope you can avoid getting the flu. GM

  18. I am late with this comment but I get it, the doctors offices aren't always on the ball. Hubby's doctor asked about that and then saw a note that is was on file. Then Rich put out his wrist with his DNR bracelet and said that should solve most issues.

    Sorry FG had to deal with a new doctor.


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