Saturday, January 28, 2023

Puzzle Help

 We finished the 2,000 piece puzzle.  I doubt that we will work one that large again as it takes up the whole table. 

Sadie helped.

She thinks she should be innocent until proven guilty.  She had great fun tearing up a beverage box! 

Can you pick out the piece Sadie helped with?

Jen was very frustrated with the puzzle...and says we should burn it.  It was an adventure.  I discovered that Sadie can grab pieces just like that and chew the picture part off the front of a piece before giving it up.  One piece completely disappeared...that may have happened the day Sadie upended a puzzle tray onto the floor...who really knows for sure. 

Far Side


  1. Sadie wasn't much help--lol! :)

  2. Sadie loves to be involved doesn't she? She was only trying to help, right? Roll of eyes. Awww, she is still a pup at heart in so many ways.

    That is a huge puzzle.
    I had to put the mini building project to the side for a while.

  3. It looks like a LOT of work to me! Sadie helped in the only way she knows how. :-)

  4. It's a beautiful puzzle, but I've decided that a 2,000 piece puzzle is just too big for my brain. The 1,000 piece puzzle currently on my coffee table will still be there in 2 weeks when we get home again. I have the easy parts done, and am struggling with the remaining sections that are all kind of monochromatic.

  5. Oops! I have a cat who enjoys knocking pieces on the floor, but thankfully has never chewed them.
    Good work geting it done - it's very pretty. I agree, 2000 pieces are too many.

  6. That sweet doggy looks so tired from all the help she gave you to finish that puzzle. She wanted it done so you all would pay attention to her and not it. The puzzle is BEAUTIFUL!

  7. Sadie thinks she is a people!!! Just say'n---Boo Berry Betty

  8. Congrats on finishing such a large puzzle, and with obstacles.

    Our Tank snagged a couple puzzle pieces last time I worked on a puzzle. The pups just want to be part of whatever is taking all our attention.

    Puzzle pieces sure get soggy in a hurry, if you can even get them before being swallowed.

  9. At least you can say you did it. What a feat.

  10. That puzzle looks very difficult!! Good thing you got some 'help'.

  11. 2000 pieces and difficult too.

  12. That's a neat puzzle. The big picture of the puzzle looks three-dimensional. Very cool. Good job you guys and Sadie.

  13. My cat ripped out the styrofoam I am using to keep him out of the fish tank. FOrtunately I heard him.
    Pets, you have to love them!

  14. What a beautiful puzzle. Congrats on having the patience to put it together. Mom used to have a puzzle going all the time on the card table in the den so when the grands came to visit the girls helped her with it. Breat fun for them.

  15. What a beautiful. I find that these days, my eyes are just not good enough for a 1,000 piece puzzle let alone a 2,000 piece. But I think I'd give that one a go.

  16. It's beautiful but I guess you won't be framing it as Jen would be constantly reminded of "the puzzle from hell"! Plus, Sadie's contributions sort of depleted it's framing value.


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