Tuesday, January 10, 2023


 My niece Stacey was expecting a baby with a due date of January 13.  She had no idea if it was a boy or a girl.  ( They did not want to know) Lola was born just before midnight five days early...she is perfect!  She weighed 8 pounds and 10 ounces.

I had been looking at pink yarn and blue yarn...I almost bought the blue yarn because I thought for sure she was having a baby boy.  So I went and bought the pink yarn yesterday after my other baby brother called with the news of Lola's safe arrival.  Lola is Grand # 15 for him. 

Welcome to the family Lola!

Far Side


  1. Ohhhhhh how precious! Congratulations on the new family member. Karen

  2. Congratulations! Lola is so sweet with those chubby kissable cheeks! My niece was due this week, and like yours they didn't know if it was going to be a girl or boy. Well . . . Eve Marie, arrived on New Years Eve. Her husband named the baby Eve, for the obvious reason. :-)

  3. She is so precious! I love the name Lola. It just sounds like someone who will bring lots of joy to world. :-) Congratulations to the entire family.

  4. New life is always so exciting!! Congrats to them.
    Now you'll be busy making a blanket or something for Lola. :)

  5. Welcome to the world little Lola!

  6. She sure is perfect! And I too love the name. I remember the song about whatever Lola want, Lola gets. :-)

  7. I like her name. She looks perfect indeed.

  8. "Lola" is now a song in my head. I'm sure she is a song in many hearts too.

  9. Hello Lola. How wonderful, a new baby to love.

  10. Cute little one. Congrats to the family!

  11. Welcome to the world sweet Lola. May you have a wonderful life, filled with God's grace!

  12. A new baby is always so fun. Fifteen grandchildren seems to be a record for people. I make it only to three.

  13. Isn't she just lovely!!! Congratulations!

  14. Oh, boy, PINK yarn!! I’ve knit and crocheted so many blue ones I wouldn’t know how to do pink! Can’t wait to see what you make.


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