Friday, January 13, 2023

Little Shavers in 2010

 I ran across this photo in my archives.  Four of my other baby brothers grands that will graduate from high school this year.  

The three boys and then the little girl in the blue that is facing the other direction.   I was sitting across from the little shavers. 

I always wonder what little kids will be when they grow up.  So far there is an undecided, an electrician, a forester and a diesel mechanic.  Three will head off to school next Fall...the twins in the orange shirts to a school closer to their Grandparents than their parents so we might get to see them more often! 

Far Side


  1. We just never know...I grew up and became a nurse when all I'd ever wanted to become was a lawyer...go figure!
    Glad they will be closer to you!

  2. OMGosh! Those little ones are graduating! Will be so interesting to see who they are as adults. They are close. ;)

  3. It is interesting wondering what kids will become.

  4. I’m weird…always curious and want to know more. I thought does little shaver come from chips off the old block. Well, apparently not!

    Found in searching—The term “shaver” was used to mean a man (or chap or fellow) as long ago as the late 16th century. The phrase “old shaver” (old man) was recorded in the 1590s, and “young shaver” (a youth) occurred as early as 1630, according to several slang dictionaries I consulted. I’m told this was a reference to the male tendency to shave facial hair.

    According to the lexicographer Eric Partridge, the term “shaveling” meant a youth because of “the infrequency of his need to shave.” In modern usage, a “shaver” means a child, and is often preceded by “young” or “little.”

  5. I always wonder what they will grow up to be, but I have never heard them called "little shavers" before. I like it :-)

  6. Such cute little shavers! I'm guessing their grandparents are tickled they are going to be closer by for school. I have a grand-nephew who is finishing his last semester of diesel mechanics in Omaha area. Lots of job opportunities he has said.

  7. Time is flying far too quickly with grands! My thought is the ones in the school closer to you all will be thankful to have family close by. We recognize that more and more as the years pass by for us, too.

  8. Great memories. We're all growing. What will I be next?

  9. That's so exciting that maybe a couple of them will be closer to you! Time flies, doesn't it. This is such a great image to have, and then to think about what they are growing beautiful.

  10. Times flies by so fast. Our oldest grandchild is graduating this year too. Unbelieveable. I always wanted to be a nurse when I was growing up. Mandy did it for me!

  11. It's nice when they grow up and stay sorta kinda close by.

  12. Grands are so special. I have been blessed to see all of mine grown and starting their own life and families. Now, I'm watching my great grands and loving every minute I have with them.

  13. They sure are cute little shavers. They have some good aspirations.

  14. What beautiful children they were. I'm pretty sure they will grow into wonderful adults, whatever path they choose.

  15. We ate out at Perkins this morning and I always watch the kids. One Grandpa was lucky to take his two young grand boys for pancakes. Two other booths had boys and one girl. They quieted down once they got their pancakes. Not seeing my kids very often means I have to appreciate everyone's young ones. Our two houses down the way have kids, five in total, that are growing up quickly. I enjoyed the view of your brother's grands.

  16. They grow up so fast! I wish I had a solid Idea what I wanted to be when I was that age... Instead, I tried out a bunch of things and end up with a lot of experiences, but no career.

  17. I am amazed at how fast time flies and little ones become adults so quickly.

  18. What fun to see the old picture and hear what the kids want to do with their lives. How neat that some will be close to you guys!

  19. My young friend each year tells me something different that he wants to become. Two years ago he was going to be an entomologist. This year, he is going to be a writer.

    Who knows what next year brings!
    There are a lot of kids and grands in your family! Wow!

  20. I love that you get to see them more often. That's a true treat. Cheers, Ivy.

  21. They grow up so fast...did you have any inkling as to their career choices?


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