Friday, January 6, 2023


 We had a frosty morning yesterday and it was foggy...and then we had sunshine.

The tree out in the front yard had some sparkles in it...I tried my best to capture what I saw. 

Far Guy had a good infusion...just one stick...but the IV Pump malfunctioned a few times.  I walked up and down the aisles at Wally World and a number of things hopped into my cart.   After I picked Far Guy up we went to lupper ( lunch/supper)  at Paradiso a Mexican restaurant...we had shredded beef enchiladas and they were excellent. 

The daytime temperatures have been above zero...practically balmy for this time of year!   Our high yesterday  was 10 F or -12 C eh.  The side roads are still compacted with snow and slippery and some intersections have very tall piles of snow.  Parking lots are compacted snow and/or very icy.  Think walk like a penguin. 

Far Side


  1. I kind of walk like that naturally. It's more stable, I guess. Love that icy picture.

  2. When I first saw the picture, my mind went to White Christmas Trees but of course your picture is prettier than any artificial tree.
    We must all speak to Wal-Mart because that happens in our store, too. However I did manage to change my mind on a couple of things before check-out.
    Speaking of - - do you have any cashier lanes open in your WM? Both of ours in town generally only had two cashiers. The rest were "scan-your-own". They have since remodeled the Southside store and there are NO cashiers. Just supervisors to help (make sure we do it right).
    I wrote to corporate at least two years ago and told them that it was an easy way for someone to shoplift whether it be purposeful or accidental. Of course they (NEVER) wrote back to thank me for my helpful thoughts.

  3. I never know what to order when eating Mexican the few times a year I get an opportunity. I'll have to remember the enchiladas. Our area sounds the same as your area.....snow piled up, ice compacted on the roads, walk like a penguin for sure. The glittering frost on everything is magical. Karen

  4. It's foggy here this morning which surprised me as it's also very cold. I've been doing that penguin walk too, as I'm very paranoid about falling down.

  5. I'm so glad the infusion went well as far as the sticks go. That has to get real old.
    We actually got up to 32F yesterday and full sun. It was gorgeous. I even washed the car because the streets were also mostly clear.

  6. "Walk like a penguin"... I love that analogy! Made me laugh! Happy weekend!

  7. We had a high about 30 F yesterday. Today is 14F I think. We got the frost overnight. It's really slippery. I'm glad FG way only stuck once.

  8. What a pretty capture! Our weather in New York has been incredibly mild and I know we'll pay for it in the near future - our ice and snow are gone. So glad I don't have to walk like a penguin - ice terrifies me. Our high yesterday was 57F.

  9. One stick--marvelous! Even though then the machine was acting up.
    I have things jump into my cart online, too! ;)

  10. Iknow that compacted snow very well. In Alaska it would get so "thick" and bumpy on the side streets of Fairbanks. I also remember "Ice Truckers" while driving to the twin cities back in 2014. Terrifying to drive on 35 with that frozen snow on the highway.

  11. Well, your temps seem just a little colder than ours....and you're right about walking like a penguin over ice and snow We take the little steps all winter long here. Love your sparkly tree picture!

  12. We're at a time in winter where every day is different..

  13. The frost and ice make pretty pictures but walking out there can be treacherous.
    Hopefully walking like a penguin helps prevent falls.

  14. It is very strange, but occasionally I find things just seem to hop into my shopping cart sometimes too. Shall we blame the shopping cart? :)

  15. Winter can be so pretty, yet treacherous for driving and walking. I am a total wimp when it comes to icy roads & sidewalks/parking lots. Especially invisible black ice.

  16. Good for the one stick, but darn those infusions!


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