Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Wind Howled

I think young man winter came by, he brought the wind and icy cold rain that came down in driven droplets.  Sometimes the rain was snow that quickly melted in the air.

What a miserable few days. I am real tired of dreary rainy days.  Area farmers do not have the beans  in yet...and I hear the corn is no good at is moldy.  The potato harvest is mostly over.

Most of the trees are bare now...the lights flickered but we retained power.  Someone said wind gusts were 60 miles per hour.  I believe it.

The aftermath is viewed out my kitchen window.
My beautiful bare lawn has leaves I wait for them to dry out and for the sun to shine.

The Juncos stopped by again...they go where the snow is.

I worked on my crochet project, I began packaging Christmas ornaments into various boxes and had a nap.

Far Side


  1. Sounds like the weather around here. I am so tired of all the rain. My friends pumpkin crop was late this year due to all the rain. It is so wet outside i am unable to even mulch or rake the leaves. Come on Sunshine!!

  2. We had a nice day yesterday after days of rain. The leaves are beginning to fall, and it looks like your last mulch is not far away. :-)

  3. You live in the woods . I am sorry the leaves worry you so much.
    But I see by how you keep house , all is immaculate. And you feel more at peace with order.
    Winter is a good time for napping.

  4. You just described our Monday - high winds and rain. Yuck!! Yesterday was lovely but today it's grey and raining again. So dreary!

  5. We had high winds yesterday too and it's been raining for days. I'm sure glad it wasn't snow or we would be buried. This morning the skies are bright blue though and I'm soaking that in.
    I have read that the weather is actually cooling and that is the cause of the crop failures, etc. It is called "The Grand Solar Mininum." Who really knows? What I read was amazingly accurate about the flooding, and rain we've experienced this year, the world over. A bit scary.

  6. We had a miserable day yesterday too. It gave me a raging headache and I spent the day napping in front of the TV. I am trying to remember why I like fall. This one so far has been a bust. Cold, wind, rain....or heat and humidity. Ugh.

  7. We've had sunshine for the past couple of days, though the temperatures haven't reached much more than 50F (10C). Winter is definitely on the way. A nap on a dreary day sounds like just the ticket!

  8. Dark, windy, and chilly with occasional rain--yes! Makes me wonder what kind of Halloween the kids will have.

  9. I am looking forward to seeing this year's Christmas ornament! We have not had our first freeze yet but I think it's coming soon.

  10. You sure have had some awful weather! Sorry about the work that the leaves cause you but I must say your yard looks pretty as a Fall picture.

  11. Rain and wind. That was the story here also. I'm going to let the yard go if the weather won't let up. Work in the shed can continue with the rain.
    But today is sunny at least until tonight!

  12. I told Terry we have the feel of an very early winter here. It looks like for sure you do. Man, I feel bad for the farmers. Farming is hard enough and the prices are dismal without losing the crop to weather.

  13. Old man Winter has visited us for a day as well, he is gone now but not for long. I am trying to revive Ryker's blog. Lost my Husband 19 months ago and have not been up to blogging till now. Come over and say Hi :)

  14. Similar weather and wind here. I'm saddened to hear about the corn crop. Farming is hard enough without losing an entire crop tharvest time.

  15. We had a miserable cold front go through here yesterday.

  16. Sorry to hear about all your rain and wind and bits of snow. Especially sad to hear about the crops not doing well. What a tough year. Hope you two are doing well and I can see you're keeping busy! Peace to you, through the rain!

  17. It would have been nice if your lawn would have remained bare for a day or two so you could enjoy it!

  18. I enjoy a dreary day every once in a while but, like you, I don't enjoy several strung together. Sorry you didn't get to enjoy you nicely raked yard before it was littered with leaves again.

  19. We had a big storm with high winds that knocked over my chairs outside but it only lasted about 15 minutes then just rain. I think it was the same cold front that came through from South to was a big long line of storms. That is awful about the crops as if the farmer haven't had enough troubles this year.

  20. Sounds like Winter is coming up fast.

    It's a bit nicer weatherwise here, but not by much.


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