Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Snow was in the air again today, soon it will be on the ground. 

We ran errands and then fixed a shelf in Far Guy's garage.  It was obviously loaded down with too much junk many treasures.

Inside projects:
Far Guy is working on a carving.  It will be a flower.

We sit side by side...sharing the desk.  I watch TV and he has his headsets with music playing...sometimes I forget and talk to him...and he doesn't hear a word...then if he notices me talking he pulls off his headset and says "WHAT?"  By that time I am done talking and say "NOTHING!"

I am working on the Christmas card...I chose the sentiment with Far Guy's help.  I hope to finish up the Christmas Card project this week...God willing and the crick don't rise.
Far Side


  1. It looked like Iowa got some snow last night...did you? Do you print your sentiment on your pc and then cut it out? I love the font...it looks Christmassy. Glad you 2 are staying busy and out of trouble.

  2. Those look awesome! Oh I know all about junk ... um, treasures, I have 2 sheds full of them!
    I should put on head phones and listen to music while HE watches the TV!
    I haven't even thought of Christmas Cards yet.
    And...we have snow this morning!

  3. It's cold here but very sunny. I like it very much, knowing it won't last. I like that Christmas card sentiment.

  4. Glad your projects are going well.

    That kind of thing happens sometimes with me and my hubby. I usually just say, "Nothing," as well... Haha!

  5. I love how you work together. When my husband and I were dating (45 years ago or so), I decided that I was talking too much. We went on a 2 hour drive and I never said a word. Neither did he. He never noticed. I realized we were perfect together. I can talk non stop and he doesn't listen to a word I say, so it doesn't bother him. If I want his attention, I have to say his name and make sure he is looking me in the eyes. Hey, it works!

  6. A good team...years in the making. :)
    Curious about his flower, of course, and love the sentiment.

  7. Working side by side - that image makes me smile. NOT going to happen around my house. He would get in my way at my sewing machine. LOL But we do sit on the couch together reading or watching TV.

  8. Sounds familiar, Tom wears headphones and I talk. It's nice how you can work side by side. We have snow forecast in the next couple of days.

  9. It's bitter cold this morning with a windchill of -18°F. I'm glad I have projects that will keep me inside and busy.

  10. That's a funny story about him not hearing you. Here it's the opposite. After 30 years of teaching first graders I've gotten very good at tuning out voices. It drives The Mister crazy but it has saved my sanity more than once.

  11. The earphones must prevent much bickering. It's just like when I don't wear hearing aides.

  12. We have about 3 inches or more on the ground here. Far too early!

    I love the sentiment for the cards! My Dad never heard my mom either, even with his hearing aid. Those must be good sound cancelling earphones.

  13. I'm the talker in our family too. Hubby says he hears every word, but I wonder... We had more snow yesterday but it all blew away as we also had 50+ mph wind. I love the sentiment you chose for your cards. I need to get started our ours, but I think it will probably be after Thanksgiving before I get it done.

  14. Tom doesn't need a headset. He is already very good at not hearing me. :-)

  15. Aww...so talented! I have projects and when I get to thinking I'm ready to start one I look at it and poof....I say Nah...maybe another day! I get very tired easily these days. Sharon

  16. We've had an unusually warm fall. A bit rainy but no snow, which is fine with me... for now! I can't wait to see Far Guy's flower!

  17. I had a little chuckle when I read how the "conversations" go between you and Far Guy. I think many of us can identify!!!

  18. It will be fun to see the flower when finished!


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