Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Robotics: Adam

I traveled up north to watch Adam in a Robotic’s Tournament.  I also volunteered to do something to help Andy ( this was a tournament he was in charge of )…so I was at the Information Table;  I checked teams in and answered questions.

Jen and I got up at o dark thirty to be in Thief River Falls before 7 AM.  Jen was a volunteer as was Noah.

Andy giving instructions

Here you can see the robotics field all set up…the referees are getting instructions from Andy.

Adam  cutting an axel

Adam cutting an axle

Team interview

The Judges are interviewing the team.  Adam is replacing that axle.

Adam and part of his team

Part of their team during a match.  There are a number of matches throughout the day.  They have a different alliance = a team they work with for every match.  So 4 teams compete for points…and 2 of those teams are on the same side.

Sportsmanship was evident as the teams shook hands after the matches. Teamwork and cooperation…and a bit of rilvary made it a fun event.

Mr Handsome

Here is Adam with his no shave November beard.  He told me he would be shaving it off and getting a haircut soon…so it was a good thing I got a photo. 

I had fun and I am glad I went.  Adam’s team ended up third in the competition.

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  1. I would enjoy watching that! Congratulations to all involved....they're all winners. I think it is so great that schools are making science and math come alive for their students. It makes learning for us 'hands on' people really sink in. Adam with a beard....is he old enough? LOL! I guess he is no longer a 'kid' but a young man. It happens so fast! Great pictures and glad you were able to go.

  2. That sounds like an exciting day. Congratulations to Noah on coming in third.

  3. In the past Tom and I have helped judge Science Fairs. The best part is always the enthusiasm of the the teenagers. Congratulations to Adam and his team.

  4. What fun! I'm glad you got a chance to help Adam, even if you did have to get up that early. Robotics seems like it is the wave of the future, for sure. I got your birthday card to me and my breath caught when I saw that wonderful Chance stamp. :-)

  5. I love to see young minds at work. What a wonderful event.

  6. This is cool. I've never been to one of these, so I will put it on my list of things to see.

  7. That sure would be an interesting day - and even better that you could help out!

  8. That sounds like it would have been very, very interesting. I love that things like this put an emphasis on learning and exercising the brain. I wish they were more emphasis on this instead of sports. Well done for getting involved and helping. Blessings, Betsy

  9. Lots of future engineers in that group, I'm sure.

  10. Exciting to watch your kids and grand kids perform.

  11. What a fun competition that would be to watch! No doubt Adam will have a great future with experience in things like this. I am glad you were able to see it as I do believe grandchildren grow up even fast that our children did!

  12. A Robotics tournament sounds very interesting!
    Congrats to Adam for coming in third.

  13. I have seen robotic tournaments on the telly and they always look interesting

  14. Those tournaments are a great experience for the students...and a huge workout for the volunteering parents!!! And grandparents ;)

  15. Being around active, involved young people can be stimulating and uplifting.

  16. Sounds like it was a great time. Well done to Adam.

  17. That is quite a competition for all this high school students. I watch our school work for a long time and ended up not getting it to work at a competition in Omaha. Adam is sure growing up fast. It was nice you could help out and see all that was going on in the competition.

  18. Fun to see things our grands participate in. My guys do chess tournaments. This looks a lot more fan-friendly to me!


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