Thursday, December 20, 2018

49 years and counting

We were married 49 years ago today.  It was a 2 PM ceremony at the church with a reception afterwards in the church sociial hall… small sandwiches, cookies, mints and cake…oh and coffee and punch. We had a wedding dance the next night (Sunday) at Anglers Tavern in Osage.  It was bitterly cold… –20 F.

Gene and Coonie 1969

We honeymooned for one night in Thief River Falls, Minnesota where it was even colder.

Today we will go out for a late lunch most likely with my parents and then have a quiet evening at home.

I still have the veil…the dress was made into a Baptismal Gown and Hey Mikey wore it.

Happy Anniversary to us!

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  1. Happy Anniversary! What a cute couple you were and still are! I remember being a bridesmaid on December 20th for some friends of mine in Ashland, was cold there too! Enjoy your day and your fond memories!

  2. Happy Anniversary! We 'celebrated' ours last week. My Grand daughter Lily shares this day as a Birthday!
    What a wonderful day it will be, congrats and enjoy!

  3. Happy Anniversary! What a handsome couple. Hope you have many more together.

  4. I like your wedding photo. Happy anniversary.

  5. Happy Happy Anniversary!!! God's blessings for many more happy & healthy years together.

  6. A very happy anniversary to a fine couple! :-)

  7. Happy Anniversary! How wonderful you still have your parents to celebrate this special occasion with you. You were a lovely bride. Remember when receptions were just tea sandwiches, cake and mints? And a punch bowl. Today they are crazy expensive events.

  8. Happy anniversary! That's a pretty good looking couple! Our wedding reception (42 years ago) was similar, but without the sandwiches. Coffee, punch, cake, mints - very simple. Your cake was gorgeous.

  9. Happy Anniversary! A very nice looking couple!

  10. wishing you a happy anniversary and a merry christmas, we celebrated 45 years on the first of December, Nice that we both found keepers!!!!

  11. Happy Anniversary to you both! I remember it was a Beautiful Wedding!

  12. Happy, happy anniversary to the two of you. 49 years is quite an accomplishment. We’ve been married 40 years and our reception was very much like yours. Except we did not have sandwiches. I think those simpler receptions are much better than all of the hoopla that happens now. Kids go into marriage with so much debt from the wedding and reception. Anyway, I am so happy for the two of you. And how wonderful that you still have your parents to celebrate with you. Wishing you many, many more happy years to come! Blessings, Betsy

  13. Lovely photo ,Happy Anniversary to you both . Hope you have a wonderful day and a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year .

  14. Happy anniversary. My husband and I will be married 49 years next month. We live in Montana and it too was very cold, and it was blizzarding that day. I don't know how anyone got there, the roads were so bad! Congratulations again.

  15. Happy anniversary. You show some good times and bring back some good memories.

  16. Happy Anniversary to you both! You are a wonderful couple with a beautiful family to be proud of!

  17. Happy Anniversary!! God bless you both!

  18. Happy Anniversary, you were such a cute couple.

  19. Happy, happy anniversary!!! Congrats! :)

  20. Happy anniversary! Next year's the biggie. :)

  21. Happy Anniversary! Yesterday, the 19th, was the 50th anniversary of us announcing our engagement. It was the last day of school before Christmas break, and Tom and I were teaching across the hall from each other, he in 5th grade and me in 4th. We created quite a buzz in our school that day, since we had worked to keep the nature of our relationship secret. We were married the following March, at spring break, of course.

  22. What a lovely picture. Happy Anniversary to you.

  23. diane in northern wisDecember 20, 2018 at 7:54 PM

    A very Happy Anniversary to both of you. What a great picture! How lucky you are to still have parents to celebrate with. We were married 50 years this past September and our parents have been gone a long time. Congratulations to you!

  24. 49 years wow that is something, I hope you have many more years to come

  25. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary. Lovely wedding picture!

  26. Happy Anniversary and many many more!!!

  27. Just goes to show you can have a good wedding without going to the poorhouse. Nice picture!

  28. Happy anniversary! Sounds like you had a lovely wedding. My mom made my wedding dress and a few of years ago, with my mom's blessing, I sent it to a lady who made it into burial gowns for stillborn babies.

  29. Congrats. Such a sweet photo of you both. I remember Mikey's gown made from your dress. What a treasure that is and will be.


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