Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Boys

The grand boys and their parents were here for a visit.   The boys always make me smile…and since they are growing and continually hungry I got hugs for bowls of popcorn.

Adam is especially hungry…after popcorn and ice cream and chips I suggested an apple!  He said “Great idea Grandma.”  That was shortly after supper.  He is growing right out of his shoes…literally out of his shoes…with toes making an appearance…he is going shoe shopping this week.

I am certain that I would not want his parents grocery bills especially since they have a very open door policy and many teenage boys come and go all day long. 

Noah went to woodcarving with us.  He did great!  I think he may have found a new hobby!  He gave up his time out on the lake to go with us. 

The boys

The Grand boys


Mr. Hungry…and yes it says “How to pick up chicks” on his shirt.  He went out on the lake with his parents and I heard he ate everything in sight.  It takes lots of calories to grow big and tall.

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  1. Nice family photos....Remember when we could eat like that, and not worry about calories?

  2. Wow, are they growing tall. I would hate to have their grocery bill, too!
    Nice that Adam enjoyed wood carving.

  3. Cute kid! And yes, teenage boys will eat you out of house and home! LOL And aren't they fun. Love that age, as long as I'm not the mom. lol

  4. Those are some very handsome grand boys. My brother had a "bottomless pit" when he was growing up. He topped out at 6 foot 2 inches.

  5. I can hear the abundant love in your voice for them. Grands are sure the best gift we have ever received from Heaven. I'm not even going to try and rank if they are above or below our spouses and our own children! It is crazy how fast they grow. So glad you had a good visit with those handsome men - - and their food providers!

  6. Fine looking boys, and I too would not like to have to feed them as they continue to eat everything in sight! I do hope Adam likes woodcarving enough to join you now and then. :-)

  7. They grow so fast and yes, those boys will eat one out of house and home!

  8. The oldest grandson went on a three-day trip with his Grandpa this weekend. It was a big success, in part I think because he could order anything he wanted and apparently ate non-stop. Or was it because he forgot his toothbrush and it didn't occur to Grandpa to stop and buy one?

  9. I'm sure they both have lots of girls chasing after them. They are so different in the pictures, but I'll bet they really add some fun to your life.

  10. Is there anything sweeter than grandsons! (maybe granddaughters). The last time my oldest Grandson Daniel came and brought his girlfriend to meet me...his first words were, Grandma, I'm starving!

  11. How great that you and Far Guy, who had girls and no boys, understand the hunger of teenage boys! They are lucky to have such good grandparents. Such handsome boys and yes no doubt the girls think so too.

    Shirley H.

  12. They do grow fast don't they ! Never mind their eating Papa here eats like a horse he has a very high metabolism and it drives me nuts we eat healthy but he eats junk food on top of it all and stay's thin all I have the weight and I exercise as well he doesn't ! Oh well ! Glad you had a good visit with the growing boys lol ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  13. Great shirt They will grow to be wonderful men if they choose family to be with!!!!
    Remind them that they can eat all they want at this age and ENJOY it.

  14. When my boys were going through their adolescent growth spurts, they ate us out of house and home. Yes, we pay dearly for those creatures!

  15. I have four grandsons with appetites like that to look forward to in about 10 years! Uh oh!

  16. How wonderful to have family visiting. Boys that age are hard to fill up, and can be hard to entertain. It's great that one of them is taking an interest in your hobby.

  17. Well, if he picks up woodcarving at this age, imagine all the cool stuff he'll be able to do if he keeps it up.

  18. Since I've raised two boys, I know how much food it takes to keep them full and happy! I often tell hubby, "With the high cost of food, I'm glad I'm not raising children these days!" We now have 3 grandsons, but they're still little.

  19. It does take lots of food for growing boys! It was nice to meet them...I understand how precious your time is with your grands.

  20. What handsome grandsons...they must have gotten their good looks from their grandparents!


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