Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Taking photos with Jen

One thing that I share with our youngest daughter Jen is a love of photography.  She is always up for an adventure.  It is interesting to see how differently we see the same thing through our lenses.

Usually when she visits she says “Mom lets go take some photos!”  So off we go.

Sometimes I take photos of her …that usually irritates her.

Jen taking a photo of the sunset

Oh well she had good knees and can still crouch down to get photos.

She is off on a adventure and I am anxious to see all of her photos when she gets back.  Last evening she called and we were able to see her and Andy on a beach that had a webcam.  She also went surfing…SURFING I said…she agreed she was pretty old to take up surfing...but she went anyways and didn’t break anything… and yes she can surf…who woulda thunk it?

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  1. That is a great hobby to share! Love the sunset shot.

  2. That is so nice that you and your daughter share a hobby. Beautiful photo of the sunset.

  3. Surfing? I cannot even imagine. Hopefully someone will have taken a picture of her doing it, so she can prove she isn't too old. :-)

  4. You both are really talented. Can't wait to see what she shares!

  5. It's nice to have something like photography in common. My daughter has also taken an interest in it.

  6. I do like the picture you got of her and the sunset. It such fun to have a daughter around.

  7. What's the saying "You don't stop having fun because you get old...you get old because you stop having fun"! Good for Jen.....nothing like a great adventure to keep the sparkle in your eye and your heart pounding! It's wonderful you 2 can share photography. I use my zoom lens so I don't have to crouch down. I also use it so I don't have to go in the weeds where all the ticks are waiting for me. Why don't they make a Frontline Plus for humans?

  8. So out of all this, creaky knees and all you got a super sunset photo!

  9. A beautiful sunset shot of her taking photos...love it. Good for Jen for taking up surfing, sounds like fun. Was it on the ocean?

    Hope that the beautiful sunset was in your part of the world.


  10. Some folks just got nature talent and/or beginners luck!

  11. I hope you are feeling lots better!

  12. Your daughter is as independent and adventurous as you, which is a good thing.

  13. Zach and I love photography He is much much better than i. I am inspired by him too

  14. Surfing? Well, you did say she still has good knees and can crouch down...

  15. That daughter of yours is a brave adventurous soul!!!

  16. Photography is a fun activity to share. Surfing, on the other hand, well.......I'm glad she's having fun.

  17. Ahh, to be young and limber again!

  18. COOL!

  19. You know how I love-love-love sky shots and that one is just beautiful! Apple didn't fall too far. Well, except for that surfing aberration--LOL! ;)


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