Saturday, July 19, 2014

Chance: Getting Older

We met Savannah for ice cream for her birthday.  She is one of my favoritist people in the whole world.  Far Side says my whole body wags when I see someone I love.
Savannah and Chance July 18
Savannah is 18 now and I am almost 10.  We had a great time at Dairy Queen especially the part where Far Side shared her cherry sundae…yummy.  Everyone else had something chocolate..and I am not allowed chocolate.

I am feeling my age this summer, I have slowed down some …for a Border Collie.  If I play ball too hard the stairs up and down are a problem.  I take special pills that help most days.
They can’t tell if I am hard of hearing or just not paying attention sometimes…I would call it focused  on something else.   I had an ear infection but Far Side cleaned my ear real good and got me some special ear drops from the Vet.

Everyone here sucks to get older…I agree.


  1. Glad Far Side and Far Guy are taking good care of you, same way you are taking good care of them.

  2. If I calculated correctly, you are not older that FS and FG. Sounds like you need to take it a little easy some days - - take a few more naps? It's hard to cut back on the things we love like ball games. Good thing you weren't on a bowling league or you might find the arthritis in your thumb makes it near impossible to play anymore - - - same with the arthritis in the hips with golf. My husband is experiencing that. So go for a new activity like the nice walks rather than chasing and jumping. Also it sounds like it is time for a ramp or maybe an elevator?!! Probably not options.

  3. It's sure hard to limit your fun when you're a border collie though, eh?

  4. Hi Chance, Nice to see you and Savannah. We are all slowing down. Hope you enjoy the weekend and give lots of hugs to FS and FG.

  5. I think I might need to try one of your pills that make stairs easier to climb! Life is good when your people get a cherry sundae instead of chocolate so you can have a bite. And honestly, Chance, half the stuff people say isn't worth hearing anyway! Be well.

  6. Hi Chance. I think you right getting older is not always fun. I see it in my new "owners." I try to go easy for them cause I know they care about me. I don't worry so much about being abandoned again but keep my eyes open and stay close. They keep working on me to "like" other dogs but they don't know about my bad times. I try to cooperate but am always cautious. Keep your guard up!
    from Minnesotas Banana Belt.
    Lily the GSD

  7. Well, you sure do wear your age well, Chance. It's nice to have you blog again, it seems like it's been forever. And yeah, I'll bet you do wag your entire body. Why stop with a tail? :-)

  8. How fun to have Chance comment today. My Izzy is almost 12, and she is also slowing down. She's also getting pretty crotchety and less tolerant of our 1-year-old. Not sure I can blame her. Thanks!

  9. You are one lucky boy Chance. Like a fine wine, getting older but better, Hugs Francine.

  10. Chance, it's always a good idea to have some young friends. I know the aging feeling. Yes, it's hard to pay attention sometimes.

  11. Dear Chance,
    I know exactly what you mean! Mom keeps trying to get me to "play" with toys from my youth...I really think it makes her feel older when she sees me and Annie aging. I think we might be a little younger than you but not by much if any. The breast cancer thing put a hitch in my "giddy-up" but it hasn't come back so that's great. I am definitely feeling my age though. I still play with the frisbee but not nearly as far or as long as I used to. When I'm tired I just leave it and walk toward the house otherwise Mom would keep throwing it forever. She doesn't have to move as I bring it back to her and drop it at her feet and then she throws it again! I was never so glad as when it landed on the roof one day and I got a few days off until the Terminex guy, Mark (we love Mark!) stopped by and got it down for Mom. I think she is finally realizing we are mature adults now and even her 5 mile hikes in this humidity are wearing on us. Annie gets a sore back once in awhile but is doing well. Mom means well. she's trying to keep us fit and healthy so we can enjoy as much time together as possible. Gotta love those humans!
    I am prone to ear infections too. I think it's the humidity here and the fact that my ears hang down. Sometimes Mom flips them back so they "air out". She also has some "blue ear wash" that she puts in them from the vet if she thinks I'm getting an infection. I hate the stuff but it does help and they don't itch so bad. Enjoy the rest of your summer and take care of yourself and Far Side and Far Guy.
    At least we can all grow older together.
    Woof! Nitty and Annie
    P.S. Grace the cat is still young so we don't even talk about her! LOL!

  12. It is sad to see our special doggy friends get older. Jake is 10 this summer, and his hearing is still great, but I notice a little bit of stiffness now and again. Calli who is 14 1/2 is quite deaf, although still sees well. I love a wiggly dog too. Luna is one of those that wiggles her whole body when she is happy to see you. Thankfully no ear problems here.

  13. Chance you are aging gracefully though ! Our Miggs is only turning 5 next month and even she has her days especially after the past few years of her knee surgery ! Miggs favorite ice cream is butterscotch . She also has big wags and wiggles for everyone she meets . Thanks for sharing , have a good day, take it easy and make sure to get plenty of R&R !

  14. Our little Button is 16 now and he getting to be a special needs dog. His eye sight is probably gone in one eye and the other is a little fuzzy. He needs help to go up stairs as eyesight is necessary to hit the steps. His hearing is almost gone. He still has quality life though and runs the household as usual. Barney is better with the calcium tablets too. We just have to restrict him from situations so he doesn't get too carried away. His dad has to walk him on a lead more as that is less active. He does want to take out big dogs while walking so we have to walk in special areas to stay away from the big guys. Barney's doesn't seem 12 but he has mellowed out a lot from his wild days as a dog that ran the streets in a town in Missouri. When we first got him he would run under the kitchen table 90 miles an hour and every thing on the table just vibrated. He liked doing it especially when we were at the table eating.

  15. Oh Chance, I agree that it sucks to get old. Glad you had a good time with Savannah and had some ice cream too.

  16. Happy birthday to Savannah! Glad you got to share in the ice cream celebration, Chance!

  17. Happy Birthday to Savannah.

    Ice cream will make you younger, Chance. I tell myself that all the time.

  18. I like the thought of your whole body wagging, Chance.

  19. Happy birthday to Savannah! Oscar too has to eat special pills so he can keep on swimming and running.

  20. I love to see a dog wag its whole body in delight! I'm so glad you get pills that help keep you active. You are one handsome, handsome fellow. ;)

  21. I understand, Buddy! I really do. This year I turn 14...Boomer will be 9 in October...age is a hard thing isn't it.


  22. I think you have reached the point in your life when you are entitled to selective hearing. There is some human dribble that dogs don't need to put up with forever.

  23. How sweet! Sorry I am late but happy birthday!


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