Monday, June 18, 2012

Sunday Surprises

Jen, Andy and the boys joined us at the Fire Hall for the Father’s Day Picnic.  We had a great day.  We were not expecting them so it was a nice surprise. 

We played cards in the afternoon and then we went out for supper.  I swear I will not be hungry for days.

Chance went shopping again..he got Far Guy a set of ear buds with a volume control.  That dog is a good shopper!


Jen found this online someplace.  We used to have one just like it a long time ago.


The thingy inside moves when it gets heated up by the light bulb..and the thingy makes it look like the water is moving.  It is quite fascinating to watch.  It is a Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gift!

I have the perfect spot for it..I just need a shelf or something custom made for the corner of the living room.

Just before dark we went for a ride over to Bass Lake. Gene and Chance June 17 2012

I captured the calm end to a great day:)

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  1. What a good day you had! I stayed inside most of the day watching it rain, but during a lull I went out and puttered around in the garden. Nothing as nice as your day, for sure. :-)

  2. It sounds like you had a nice, family centered day.
    Your lake photo is beautiful.

  3. What a wonderful surprise. The photo of the lake is so pretty.

  4. Sounds like you had a great day ! Cool gift ! Have a good day !

  5. Pretty lamp! Did you see the guy stunt walk over Niagra Falls the other day?
    Very nice last photo.

  6. We had a similar lamp at the farm, but ours was a train, and it chugged down the track with smoke billowing. I haven't thought about it for years.

    The last photo is a keeper!

  7. What a wonderful shot you got at the end, lovely contrast. And your lamp is facinating isn't it?

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  8. Love that last shot!
    We never had one of those rotating lamps, but I remember a couple of people we used to visit who had them. They fascinated me as a kid. Also the clock under a glass dome my grandmother had with the balls that spun one way and then back the other way. Wonder whatever happened to it?
    Sounds like a wonderful day, Connie! And that Chance is a good shopper. ;)

  9. Sounds like you had a very refreshing day. Love the evening photo. Hope you have a great week.

  10. Such a great looking light. And a lovely sunset .. the best way to end a day.

  11. Hi Connie, I'm happy to hear that you guys enjoyed your day. That sunset at the lake pic is just beautiful. Hope that you and Far Guy are feeling some better and that it is a good week. Hugs to Chance.

  12. Sounds like a wonderful Father's day Sunday and I love that lamp !

  13. I love a dog who knows just how to shop! ; )

  14. This looks like a lava lamp which were around severl decades ago. Am I wrong?
    I heard you one day say uffdah and I had to laugh. I heard my Grandmother and my Daddy say that all the time while growing up in the 40's on a Kansas farm. Good ole Norwegian Lutheran folk. Gotta love them. What I would give to hear them both today. Grandma died when I was 15 (1943) and Daddy in 1983. Grandma came to US on a boat when she was 20 from Norway and Grandpa came over as a baby. They met in Kansas.

    1. Hi Dorothy, No it isn't a Lava liquids involved. Just illusions by the inside filter that makes it look like the water is falling over the Falls:)

  15. The lamp looks really cool and the last shot does look very calm and peaceful. Something I know you can use as I can right now.

  16. Yes I remember those thingys. I had forgotten all about them. They were very popular in their day.

  17. The pic of the lake is stunning!
    Grandma had one of those lights. It had a western scene that went round and round.

  18. My aunt Mary had a tv light like that. It was magical back then before microwaves and digital anything. We had two days in a row eating out for anniversary and Father's day. I won't eat much for a few days. I like your sunset shot.

  19. You did have a great day! Sounds just about perfect! I love those lamps! I'd forgotten about them but they are were our generations version of the lava lamp! LOL!
    I'm going to go hunting for one...what a trip! My parents honeymooned in Niagra Falls along with a million other couples of that era. That is the coolest gift! You luckies!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie