Monday, June 28, 2010

Snow Drifts in June

A neighbor has a whole field of daisies.  Personally I like them, they are so perky and cheerful.  Far Guy and I both remarked at the same time "Looks like drifts of snow."   I am not sure what their other neighbors say, but it made me smile.
 I have a full desk, I usually line up the projects I am working to complete on my desk.  Things I need to put away, things I need to decide what to do with.  Decisions I need to make.

One of the "things" that I am working on is my parents 60th Wedding Anniversary party in October.  My brothers are not real vocal about this gathering..they just want to know when to show up.  My sister..she is on my list too..I need to call her for input. I am sure it will all come together one way or another. As long as the basic groundwork is laid properly it should go off without a hitch.  I am looking for a good punch recipe..I think my cousin Leann might have one.  The menu must be decided soon..a light lunch will be light..and how much like an actual lunch remains to be decided. Today I am designing a business type card that my Mother can keep in her purse, it has all the info for their anniversary..she can give these to friends and family over the summer, in lieu of sending out invitations.

I seems like I have a  hundred projects I am working on.  Requests from people, could you make a slide show for the family picnic?  Yes..check!  Could you email me photos?   I am still working on getting family photos scanned..and since I am working on four branches of our family at the same time..I just seem to be treading water.  I should work on a slide show presentation for my parents anniversary too.  I am now officially one year behind on  the hard copies of this blog.  Somedays I have to sort things thinking if I croak today..what will really matter.

I drift in and out all day long, picking some project up..sometimes sighing and putting it back down again. Sometimes actually completing a project..a day where my out pile is bigger than my in that is a day to be celebrated.  Sometimes it is best for me to keep my focus on just one project at a time, instead of spreading myself so thin that I accomplish nothing:)


  1. Oh they are so gorgeous, I love them, thank you for sharing with us, God bless you and have a marvellous day/ Hugs Barbara

  2. I absolutely love all the daisy pictures, they are awesome. I went to leave a comment on the peony picture, but the post disappeared before I got a chance. But it's BEE-YOU-tiful! Have a great day, Connie! BTW, I took your advice and entered one of my spring tulip pictures in the flower contest.

  3. Love the daisies; I have some too but a tiny patch compared to this!! I laugh with you at your desk and projects...this is the way I am at work and at home, although I wish I had a more organized way of dealing with them at home. I wonder sometimes...when I retire, will I be as busy as I am now (and you are)? Probably so.

  4. I love what you've done with the daisies. And I know what you mean about projects piling up!

  5. Daisies are my favorite. They always brighten my mood. Sounds like you are meeting yourself coming and going. I think you need to hire a secretary. I've always heard that it is good to be busy since it keeps the mind sharp. At the rate you are going you should be at genius level by now. Good luck with all the projects.

  6. The daisies are BEAUTIFUL! We have someone in our church who used them at her wedding reception. They put blue gingham as accents - - served some of the food out of picnic baskets. And of course, the daisies were in containers for decoration. It was pretty and festive.
    You sure have a lot of projects going but we always do our best for those we love, don't we? Perhaps Chance could help you with a project or two. It would definitely take some stuff off your plate - - but where would he bury the stuff?

  7. The business card is a great idea. The daisy field is wonderful. Good shots.

  8. Oh Connie, lovely, lovely daisies. I posted a shot Beth took of a peony last week - can't remember if you commented on that one or not - but I had to smile to see that you'd taken a peony shot too.

  9. Loved those daisy photos, especially the last one...just lovely!!!

  10. LOL - for a minute there I thought you really had had snow!

    Daisies are so merry - and lovely! Enjoy all your projects...

  11. The daisies are gorgeous..... they are a day brightener...yes aren't parties fun to plan--I'm sure it will be just fine!

  12. The daisy pictures are excellent. I too wrestle all the time with a full menu of pressing projects and flit from one to another like some crazed insect. It makes life interesting doesn't it?

  13. Would you mind sharing what program etc you used to make your blog banner?

  14. Thought you might like to try this punch recipe:

    Fruit Punch
    1 can frozen orange juice
    1 can frozen pineapple juice
    1 can frozen lemonade
    1 can frozen limeade
    2 bottles 2 liter ginger ale
    Mix frozen juices together in large punch bowl. Pour ginger ale over frozen juices and mix well. You can add slices of lemon, lime, and orange to the punch if desired.

    I also like to freeze an ice ring...just using a tube cake pan...I layer water with slices of lemon, lime, and orange...makes a beautiful punch bowl.

    This punch is so good...! I've never had anyone who doesn't just love it! It's super easy to make...I just put everything right in my punch bowl.

  15. Hey at least your keeping busy!!!

  16. I love daisies! My bridal bouquet was daises and yellow roses.

  17. I wish I could come help you.
    help you enjoy the daisies and work on the 60th anniversary.

  18. Over the years we noticed that horses won't eat daisies but sheep and goat do. I like them but to see them over take a pasture is a hard one for me to see because of the implications. Nothin' prettier than my girls bedecked with their annual halos of daisies. Very pretty indeed.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie