Saturday, June 12, 2010

Curosity: The Mount Calvary Cemetery

I felt the weight on my back as the scrawny legs scrambled to the top of my shoulders, I straightened up, he had a perfect view, I could only see the siding, was it white or dirty beige, my old brain cannot decide, there were windows..but neither of us were tall enough to see inside by ourselves. I remember that the weeds were almost taller than we were when we waded our way through them to the abandoned building. We were not supposed to be here, it seemed dangerous, exciting and adventurous all at the same time. We were not going to throw rocks or anything, we just wanted to look inside. What was in there? There were lots of windows on the south side. If I had only been tall enough to see inside myself, I should have been brave and climbed on Danny's shoulders when he offered, but I was afraid of heights.
That is all I remember, Danny, was fearless, me not so much, plus that he hardly ever got in trouble..and me well lets just say that trouble followed me everywhere. Sparing the rod and spoiling the child was not happening at my house. His parents seemed older and more forgiving, plus that his older sister had paved the way..and he was a boy, I always thought that boys could get by with more shenanigans than girls could anyway.
I am not sure if it was an old church, or an old house, perhaps it was a parsonage, only the lilac bushes remain. It is the Mount Calvary Cemetery now. What was the building that I recall on this property? When did it disappear from the landscape of my childhood? My littlest baby brother, Jody recalls far he is it..even the gal that was born and raised almost across the road doesn't remember a building being there. Is it a figment of my imagination? Nope, the lilacs never lie:)


  1. Great photos, thanks, have a blessed day, Hugs Barbara

  2. A good post Connie. Those early memories are so clouded sometimes but yet you know there was something there. I hope you can get some answeres. The pictures are amazing and what about those lilac bushes.

  3. It certainly looks like the perfect setting for a house or church. I bet you could find out how long the cemetery has been there. Old churches often had one on their grounds. I couldn't get over how beautiful the sky is in the pictures. Wow. I want to live there too!

    Emma sends kisses for Chance. :)

  4. I bet there was a little church that either burned/was moved or was torn down. Somebody has to remember!

  5. Oh, the wonderful adventures of childhood!

    Love that first shot - it looks like a painting.

  6. I have always found the way certain lilacs are grouped as very intriguing, like they were surrounding corners of buildings or on either side of a doorway. Old Lilacs are pretty much a given that a building was at the very least close by.

  7. Great description, so vivid, I almost felt like I was there.

    It makes you almost doubt your memories when there isn't anyone else who can confirm something.

    Good thing at least one person remembered it.


  8. Memory is a funny thing. There is a place in Alexandria that I'd love to visit and see how my old memories match the reality. I remember an old pony skeleton in the woods, a haunted house on an island, logs sticking up out of water in the lake, and haystacks in fields that were easily converted to forts. I bet it's changed a lot since then.

  9. I'm on the hunt as of 6-20-10 I think your right.have ti check it outbe fore I say


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