a small amount of something that remains after the main part has gone or been taken or used.
I had Lymes from a tick about 22 years ago...untreated. That left me with residual Lymes.
Every once in a while it rears its ugly head. It is miserable.
So I take my medication (doxycycline) until it goes back to where it came from until the next time.
The symptoms I get are: headache...which I got about two weeks ago and should have known what was coming. Fatigue, chills, swollen lymph nodes, large muscle aches, joint pain and neck stiffness....death would have been welcomed.
I am not sure what made the flare surface this time...I was most likely too busy and a bit tired so it got the best of me for a couple of days.
I am feeling better now, but will take it easy for several more days. ( I had a five hour "nap" yesterday.) My Doctor is well aware how a flare effects me and with the medication plan in place I will recover.
Far Side