Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Not much new here, same old same old. 

I am working on recipes, mostly I sit in the evenings and copy them off their scraps of paper and get them on proper recipes cards.  A few made it to the Ipad.

I have some more carvings to fine tune out in the woodshop if the weather ever gets warm again.  It will someday, but those beautiful summerlike days a few weeks ago spoiled us.


Lilies last summer.

I don’t see many signs of spring yet…patience.

Speaking of patience.

The Calendar Wars:  I try to keep “stuff” on the calendar so I know what is coming up or on what day we need to go to the clinic/hospital.  Someone just writes things down…in several different months on the same date but not the correct month. I shall prevail but it is a struggle. Perhaps I should hang up one month at a time instead of the whole freaking year.

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  1. We get those days were there just isn't any thing going on and those days I kind of like ok it is like that here most days but still lol ! I used to do that with all kinds of recipes now I just copy them to my computer as I am slowly putting together a Country Kitchen Recipe book on the computer . I love Lilies looking forward to flowers and getting in my gardens . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  2. Oh, I can't wait for my flowers to be blooming again. We are under a storm watch starting tomorrow till Thursday, 5-9 inches of snow predicted :(
    I'm trying to have patience...sigh!

  3. I hope you will be seeing some signs of spring real soon. Those lilies are gorgeous. thr calendar story made me laugh!

  4. Hope you see some signs of spring soon. Oh patience!! Something I need more of. I liked your story about the guineas.

  5. I use my iPhone calendar exclusively these days. It also shows up on my laptop and iPad, so I only have to put it in one place to see it everywhere. I do hope you'll soon be seeing those pretty lilies this year. :-)

  6. I try to keep appointments on my ipad, but we put one month at a time
    on the fridge door to keep up with each day. Have to remember to look at it every morning.

  7. "Patience" a rare commodity in the Troutbirder household. Maybe snow here tomorrow...:(

  8. Sounds like a month at a time would be a good idea. Ha! Ha! I just saw Far Guy's comment.....you 2 are a hoot! Did you watch DWTS's last night? The new season just started. I worked outside yesterday and slept in this morning....I guess that fresh air really got to me! And the yard work. It's cool here...50's and windy but the weeds are all up so I have to get going and the lawn (weeds) needs mowing already. Have a good day and don't argue in front of Chance...lol!

  9. Ya gotta keep the calendar up for the whole year. Maybe you mean that for the month you keep just the month which sounds like a good idea.

  10. Here in Minneapolis we are under a winter storm watch starting tomorrow. Unbelievable! Here we were thinking Spring was almost here. We have not had snow on the ground for weeks! Well at least we know snow does not stay on the ground long this time of year with the sun so high and no previous snow to keep things cold. But my goodness - it is almost Easter!

    Shirley H.

  11. Spring is such a tease. It's been dreary here with wind that feels like it's blowing off of an iceberg.

  12. What pretty lilies from last summer. We depend on our year calendar too that hangs on the wall, for all those appointments, birthday reminders, etc.

  13. March is a fickle month, we had some warm sunny days now dreary and cool. Beautiful Lilies, blessings Francine.

  14. We are at the point that we have to keep track of when we feed the birds. Every other day works but we need to mark it so one of us will remember. They do fine on three days but every other is the best. I can't believe how fast that calendar gets turned. Where did March go?

  15. I would forget my head if it wasn't attached! I have finally learned to write things down in my appointment book. I buy a new one every year! You are a head of me. I have so, many recipes that are on paper. They could be made into a novel!

  16. I'm still needing to apply myself to the old recipe scraps and iPad them....it's been too busy to cook so I haven't thought much about getting it done...that along with chasing a pup around. Your guy sounds like my guy...he has scraps with phone numbers EVERYWHERE and i get in trouble if one of them can't be found🙄

  17. This past year I finally sorted all my recipes. Threw out over half of them and copied the rest onto 4X6 recipe cards and got a picture album to keep them in.
    Now they're all in one place at least.

  18. I reorganized my recipes a few years ago. Now I just need to add things properly. Not like that "someone' who adds things to your calendar.

  19. Still waiting for spring here too...

  20. Have yellow flowers up. Should go check in the snow this morning. Dave thru out all my calendars. So much for that. Ann


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