Sunday, December 27, 2015

Thoughts December 27

I am feeling a bit better. 

Far Guy is recouping slowly.  He is a tad impatient with his recovery, sometimes he gets real frustrated with his health.

Yesterday we ventured out to do the recycling and take the garbage to the dump.  It had snowed. Roads were slippery.  On our way back we were slowing for a stop sign, another vehicle was coming from the west travelling too fast and attempted a right turn…he missed us by inches and went into the ditch. Far Guy said “He is not gonna make it!”  We waited to see if he was okay…he was…but couldn’t get enough traction to drive out of the ditch.  Luckily for the driver some of our neighbors stopped by to help out.  One is driving the car and the other is pushing. 
Minnesota Nice to help someone out of the ditch.
I am not sure what happened next, traffic was starting to back up so we left not wanting to cause another near accident.  I think our neighbor either pulled this kid out of the ditch or called a wrecker…either way we were all lucky.  Far Guy said “Our guardian angels were looking out for us.”

Earlier this week our Granddaughter Madison (Maddie)was in a car accident.  Her beau was driving… rounded a corner couldn’t stop and hit a number of trees.  Luckily they had their seat belts on and the air bags deployed.  Maddie was checked out in the ER …she has some soreness from her seat belt across her ribs and upper body.  Her car was totalled.  They are lucky kids.  I hound them relentlessly about seat belts.  Every time Maddie takes a selfie in a vehicle…I say “Put your seat belt on. I don’t care if the car is parked…if you are in it put on your seat belt.”  We are thankful that she is okay.

We had a quiet afternoon at home. I watched some crazy movie on Netflix that I promptly slept through.  Alaska Guy joined us for a late afternoon visit and supper.  He and Far Guy had a good visit.

Chance is catching up on his sleep too.  He is in a funk…he misses Miney and Little Elvis something fierce.
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  1. I am so glad no one was hurt.

    We are getting great amounts of rain. From one time to the next I believe people forget water stands in low places! Very few here know how to drive on snow.

    Relax. Rest. Enjoy.

  2. So glad YOU have the snow. I remember a couple of close encounters when I drove in Illinois for many years on ice and snow. Glad your granddaughter is okay from the accident. Happens so quickly!

  3. I'm glad no one is hurt beyond bruises (to ego too) and perhaps the pocketbook. :( Maddie is a beautiful young woman - I hope she has a long life ahead of her.

    Hopefully Elvis and Miney can pop by for a visit - even if it's only on a youtube video (or Skype call!)

  4. Very thankful that you both and your granddaughter are ok. I hope her soreness will heal quickly.

  5. People don't seem to be able to adjust their driving habits when we get a new snowfall. I'm glad your grand daughter is uninjured.

  6. I am so glad that no one was hurt badly in those two car incidents. I had that guardian angel thought too about the sliding car missing you. Hope Maddie will feel less sore soon. Good she had that seat belt fastened!

    Glad that both of you recovering even though slowly. Please get extra rest and eat well so you can feel better soon. Sorry Chance is lonely for his doggy friends. Probably needs more ball playing?

    Shirley H.

  7. Glad your granddaughter is okay and that your car didn't get hit by the out of control driver.

  8. I'm so glad you all are okay! It's good that you hounded Maddie about seat belts, and I'm sure she's glad now that you did. I always have cautioned my kids about seat belts and driving slower in bad weather, etc, and still do and they aren't so young anymore! That's what moms do, right? :) Take care and have a nice Sunday!

  9. Your hounding her probably made all the difference! Thank God she's okay. I am in a bit of a funk myself, Chance. Post holiday blues? Glad to hear FG is getting better, little by little. :-)

  10. It is sounding like a post holiday slump around there. I know the feeling. I'm so glad your granddaughter is OK, and sad about her car!
    You'll be settling in for the long winter now. Chance will need walks and car rides, so get better!

  11. Glad you're all safe, driving in the snow is scary even when you're use to it. I did some serious slipping and sliding when we lived in Colorado.

  12. Oh my goodness! I'm so glad everyone is okay. I understand health frustrations. We want to do more than our health allows and that brings us down. I wish you and FG well. about Guardian angels. When GN was a little tot, she named her guardian angel after one of our female ancesters whose name she likes to say. Gotta tell you I thanked her angel for keeping her safe in her car accident. I'm glad yours were all on duty too.

  13. You are all blessed. Thankful God is watching over you. Hope you all have a blessed week and continue to feel better.

  14. Bless those who have the ability to stop and help someone in the ditch. I hate to drive right after it snows because people drive like they are on a dry surface. I've had a few close calls myself this winter.

    Glad you and Far Guy are starting to feel better.

  15. I am glad your Maddie is ok! Our Madi (granddaughter)had an accident on the 11th. She's ok but car was totalled. This was near Dallas where the traffic is awful. Seat belts were on and her two passengers are ok as well. We never quit worrying about them and ours wear their seatbelts - their dad is a pilot and he pounded it in to them....

  16. Thank the Lord she's alright! Whoa Nellie....close calls all around! I guess it takes years to learn how to drive sensibly and by then you'd just as soon stay home plus they pass you or honk because you're a slow poke...but we're SAFE slow pokes so there you go youngin' and learn!

  17. There are a lot of crazy drivers out there but snow on the roads makes every kind of driving difficult. I usually try out the roads on the street when I leave the drive and swerve from side to side to know how bad it is.

  18. So many possibilities regarding the accidents, but all ended well. A blessing to be thankful for.

    I love snow , but when it snows I stay home, I know my driving limitations. :)

  19. Well, that was a pile of excitement you could have done without! Glad everyone was okay--at least no injuries, though sorry to hear about Maddie's car. Glad to hear you and Far Guy are on the mend, too.

  20. Glad the car did not slide into yours. I am amazed that people in Minnesota don't drive perfectly in the snow and ice -- I thought that was just here in the West!

  21. Glad all are okay. I too figured you all didn't have snow wrecks up there, just the crazies down south ;-).

  22. You guys have been keeping your GAs busy! Glad your neighbors could help them out of the ditch. There are times you just can't stop on the slick road. That's why I won't drive that '92 Paseo in the winter if I can help it. You can only have been going 25 mph, pumping the brakes, and it just keeps slowly sliding and won't stop. You'd think the tires were bald and I was on slick ice--but it's just normal winter roadway. Dagan said it was the absolute worst car he's ever had for winter driving. I can remember us filling the trunk with sandbags for him one winter and that didn't even help. Needless to say, I am taking the senior bus to the dentist today. ;)

    There will be slowly more sunlight now. If it comes out at all, that is--LOL! I hope you both get to feeling better soon. I'm with FarGuy--I get really fed up with my health issues some days, too. *hugs*

  23. I hate winter driving but I guess we have to do it....other drivers make me leary sometimes, especially those in little cars. I keep my distance and use my four wheel drive in town and that helps.

  24. I so hate winter driving. The other drivers scare the heck out me...they seem to drive like the roads were dry and safe and well, NOT SLICK!!!



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