Friday, July 22, 2011

The Carving Exhibit

Art and what is art is very subjective..what I like and think is cuter than a bugs ear..some people may find weird.


This is a wood carving.  Paul is a professional woodcarver..he gets mega bucks for his “stuff.”



This is a project that we are all working on now..Byron carves with us and is teaching us how to end up with a bouquet of Lady Slippers. ( Mine will be a work in progress for many weeks.)


These are Sheila’s carvings..she is very talented.


All these fish are carved by Kenny..he is an awesome carver.


These are Reynold’s Bark Carvings we attended a class taught by him last summer.  He was featured recently in a Carving Magazine..he didn’t show up last week ..I hope his head didn’t swell too big after being published.


These are Dave’s..he just retired last January..he is a power carver..he uses power tools to carve.

The Loon on the top of the case belongs to a gentleman that I just met last week…Bob (I think) a retired teacher.


These carvings belong to my cousin Chuckie.  He is a self taught carver that began whittling with a carpet knife over his noon hour.  Yes, he carved those chain links out of a 2X4 piece of wood.  He likes to carve birds and ducks..and Santas.


Last but not least is Far Guy.  His whimsical bark carvings and his thread spool.  I did the house on the left. 

More woodcarvings another day:)

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  1. Each of you are super talented and creative! Love all these pieces!

  2. These are all so great in their own separate ways.

    I love your gnomish little house!

  3. Oh WOW! they are all so awesome ! what talent ! Have a great day !

  4. The patience it must take to make all of these pieces!

    Kudos to all of the carvers.

  5. I love them all, but especially Paul's little tiger...

  6. Wow! My favourites are the fish and the standing birds. Wish I had that much patience, and that much talent...

  7. Those are some awesome pieces! Beautiful!

  8. I like the little tiger ,what talent you all have. Wonderful!

  9. I can only think of one over used, understated word for this exhibit...Wow!

    I do not have this talent and admire those who do.

  10. I love them!
    When my father-in-law was semi-retired and in his 70's, he started doing chainsaw carving and woodturning. He was self-taught and did pretty well for himself.
    I always wanted to learn carving, but just haven't...yet.

  11. A talented bunch you have there and such lovely work. Truly sculptors in their own right and I love wood so it is something I totally admire (but cannot do)!

  12. Way cool!!

    :) I'd love to see these in person!

  13. I think all the carvings are fantastic! :)

  14. That's a lot of talent in one area. I too love the little Hobbit Houses you and Far Guy do. They all require a lot of detail and time. I'm very impressed.

  15. Wow! The tiger is so cute! A lot of talented folks! And one is your cousin--aha! Runs in the family. Love your little hobbit houses! :)

  16. I didn't know you and Far Guy carved. Your pieces are very unique. I think if I tried carving something I might end up in the ER - I can be a clutz!

    I also love the tiger. He is just too darn cute!

  17. Lovely carvings! I like the ladyslippers and that tiger is cute too.

  18. They are all great! It is a gift and talent to be able to see something in your mind and have your hands actually create it. Plus, color coordinating skills are involved in the painting of the carved objects. I'm impressed with everything you have shown.
    How is Far Guy's hand? Has he gotten total use back of his fingers? Did it cause any arthritis? Or is he still in the recovery process? I know some injuries can take 6 months to a year to regain maximum healing.


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