Sunday, July 17, 2022

Saturday stuff

 We saw a double rainbow one night last week. 

Far Guy wood carved yesterday.  I went to town to visit my parents.  Mom says that Dad is having some very confused days.  However yesterday he was having a good day and knew who I was...not my name but that I was his oldest "kid."   He talked about when Mom and he first met and how she slipped and fell last week and he was not strong enough to help her up.  She has fallen twice recently...she has a bump on her head and a bruise on her arm.  On his confused days Dad is a hand full for Mom.  

In the evening we trimmed back the tomatoes...they were getting way too tall, we had to get a ladder out to trim them.   It was a warm humid day yesterday. 

Far Side


  1. Sorry to hear your parents are struggling. I know it’s worrisome for you and your brothers.

  2. It's not easy watching our parents age. I hope your mom has some respite.
    Wow, the tomatoes are huge.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom's tumbles, Connie. Are they still living in the assisted living place? It seems like I remember something about you kids moving them out of their home & into someplace else better suited. Or am I dreaming? *lol* Your tomatoes sure are doing well!! ~Andrea xoxo

  4. What a beautiful double rainbow.

    I'm sure it's very difficult as his confused days probably come more and more often now. Hope your mom has no more falls.

  5. Nice double rainbow. Had to look hard for the second one, then it was there! :-)

  6. A ladder! That is a hoot. All I have are little cherry tomatoes in a hanging basket. I ought to do a photo!
    All the best with your parents. I've lived that episode in my journey. It was most difficult.

  7. I'm sorry about your parents difficulties, it is so hard on them and you.

    Those were some tall tomato plants, mine have something to strive toward!

  8. I don't think I have ever seen a double rainbow...except in photos or on YouTube. Double the good luck.

    Glad it was a good day when you visited. Sorry to hear about your Mom falling.

    I need to go out and pinch back the coleus in my planters. Too hot today, though. 90 degrees and heat warnings. Maybe tomorrow. :)

  9. It's so hard watching one's parents get old. It was good that your Dad was having a good day yesterday when you went to see him. It must be so hard for your Mom coping with her own aging as well as your Dad's.

  10. Aging parents are a worry just ask my daughter...........

  11. Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad's confusion and your mom's falls. Those things seem to happen so much when we get older. I pray that all will be well with them for a good long time to come, God willing. Bless their hearts, and yours too, for being such a good visitor!

  12. I love the rainbows! And, I'm sending my best of vibes for you all for more 'good days' over the not so good. ❤❤

  13. Ufffdah. Balance is the biggest harm that comes to everyone as they age.
    Sounds like the visit went okay though, Dad at least knew mostly who you were!

    My Tomatoes are doing quite well too! I hope this recent heat wave doesn't melt them!
    However, they do get some shade in the hottest part of the day.

  14. I remember Minnesota has wonderful rainbows. I am so tired of the heat and humidity. My energy level is already challenged so humidity just hinders everything.

  15. I’m sorry to hear your parents are having difficulties. We just spent 10 days with my mom in her care home and it’s so hard to witness her decline.

  16. I hope your Dad has more good days than bad.


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