Friday, July 22, 2022

Mosaic Crochet : Costa Nova

 This is one of the projects I am working on. 

This part one of the CAL (crochet a long), I am not sure how many parts there are...six maybe.  

The top part is supposed to be beach umbrellas.  Costa Nova is a small fishing village in Portugal. 

Here is my bucket of yarn.

It was a busy week, my eye appointment was okay...not great but okay.  I am still suspicious for Glaucoma and will have to be tested every six months.   My mammogram results are in and everything boob wise is just fine!   So I am done with Doctors for a bit.  What a relief! 

Far Guy is doing okay, he woodcarves every day. 

Far Side


  1. Love the new project and all the colors. Good news on your doctor appointments. Congratulations! Have a great weekend.

  2. Life is good! Your crochet project looks interesting, and you are really good with the color changing design. Well done!!

  3. What a fun CAL that must be! If it weren’t for doctor appointments my “social” calendar would be Monty. Three more appointments this summer before I can call it good for awhile.

  4. sallysmom, No I have not visited Costa Nova, but the designer of the project went there as a child.

  5. The mosaic is incredible - it boggles my mind to think how it is done.

    Glad your appointments went well.

  6. You are a crocheting wizard, Connie, and I'm glad all your appointments turned out ok. I'm also glad Far Guy has his woodcarving to keep him busy. Your new crochet project is going to be every bit as beautiful as your past ones have been... I have NO doubt! ~Andrea xoxo

  7. My grandma was a proficient crocheter but she didn't teach me. Your mosaic is very nice.

  8. Your new project looks complex and difficult, but also colorful and beautiful.

  9. Another crochet work of beauty. Glad your medical appointments turned out (somewhat) well.

  10. Your new project is wonderful! I can't wait to see the rows. The first two are adorable!

    Eyes. Boo. I need to make an expensive out of pocket appointment to see if my cataracts are "bad enough" yet. Or if I am going to have to buy another expensive pair of new glasses. . . . My daughter has early signs of glaucoma. it's scary. Prayers.

  11. Love your new crochet project....very cute!

  12. I can't wait to see more pictures from your new CAL. I grew up in Portugal along the coast so this brings back many memories for me.

    It's always a relief to be done with doctor appointments (at least for a little while.)

  13. Eyes. Boo hiss. But looks like I have to go in and have mine looked at again this fall.
    Your project is beautiful, almost like a woven piece of art!

  14. Glad all the doctor stuff went okay.
    Your yarns all go together so well. They look soft and so pretty. :)

  15. That is a fun project! I'll trade your eyes for mine, AMD is no picnic either.

  16. I'm so glad your Doctor stuff turned out well. Your new project is amazing.

  17. The designs are so refined that they don't look like crochet. It looks more like weaving. Great design. Your yarn collection looks as varied as my wife's paint tubes just everywhere.

  18. Glad your appointments went well and you'll get a bit of a break from doctors for a while.

  19. Hope your glaucoma watch turns out like mine has. It's been watched for 20 years so far and I still don't have to use eye drops or have any symptoms except for elevated pressure in the eyes.

    You and Far Guy have been busy since I last stopped in. I still think about going back to blogging...maybe


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