Tuesday, July 5, 2022

4th report

Youngest daughter Jen stopped by for a quick visit and had lunch with us...potato salad and fruit.  Far Guy was cleaning up the interior of the Buick when she got here, so she helped us finish it up.  

We went for a Ranger Blue ride later in the afternoon.

The wind storm last week took down some trees across the trails. As you can see the wind came from several directions. 

It was a very humid day.   We had our picnic for supper...brats, baked beans, potato salad, pineapple and cherries. 

People down at the lake started with the noisy fireworks July 3rd just about dark. 

Far Side


  1. Hubby and I had a very quiet 4th of July. Stayed home and watched Fireworks on TV. Our City fireworks were held Saturday night. And that was good as a bad storm came thru here and cancelled many events. Some neighbors had a fireworks "party" just before the storm hit. Glad your thumb is getting somewhat better .

  2. We got through the fireworks noise in fairly good shape. I was actually able to sleep through some of it. Sounds like a good holiday for you guys. :-)

  3. X marks the spot!

    That looks like it was a nice ride.
    We had lots of rain and thunderstorms which was fine with me. I got things done inside that needed doing!

  4. Those crossed trees across the trail - very interesting how they fell.

    We spent a very quiet July 4th here too. Usually our neighbors hold a party around their pool, but not this year. The air was so thick with humidity and still is this morning. I had planned to get in my car and drive a mile or so to see the fireworks set off over the lake by the city. But I stayed inside and watched the MN Twins win the baseball game instead.

  5. Sounds like a very nice day.

  6. What a beautiful view down that trail, Connie. I love it! Glad you got to have a visit with your daughter. ~Andrea xoxo

  7. Your picnic sounds delicious! Our state changed it's fireworks laws so it sounded like a warzone from 4 pm to after midnight. They don't even shoot the ones that light, it is just boom, boom, boom.

  8. It was a regular day for us, the people behind us set off their fireworks about 10:30. I'm sure my horses enjoyed it.

  9. What a very nice and beautiful day! Lovely pictures :)

  10. We had a perfect day weather wise, plenty of activity and noise at both ends of the day, and a quiet middle. Perfect.
    Going under those crossed trees in your photo might make me a bit nervous.

  11. I rarely get to eat potato salad :( Brad doesn't like it, which makes no sense. He eats everything in it. Including mayo in other dishes.

    We used to do a big 'ol firework display at home. One of our kids bdays is close to the 4th. Glad those days are over and Brad still has all his fingers & toes. Although, fireworks are fun to photograph.

    So nice you are enjoying Ranger Blue!! Those crossed half down trees don't look safe to drive under. Be safe!

  12. I don't think I'd feel very safe driving under those crossed trees.

  13. I like dogs and they don’t like the firecracker noise. It sort of ruins the celebration.

  14. Those trees crisscrossed! What are the odds!
    Glad you got a visit with Jen. :)

  15. Sounds like a fun time. There will always be those firework enthusiasts. Can't escape them on that week of the holiday. But It sounds like you had a good time.

  16. How nice that your Jen came to visit. I'm sure your Ranger Blue ride is always fun, even if it is kind of hot and humid. Your meals always sound good. I need to make smaller meals like that and not put out so many things. Your picnic sounded great! Wish I could eat baked beans....they just don't like me.

  17. Your day sounds great. We were fairly busy all day but I didn't have to cook once. The wind has been crazy again this year so far. We had a warning this afternoon of wind gusts.

  18. Love the mix of woods and farm land.

  19. Our high heat and heavy humidity usually brings us storms. I surprised we didn't have tornadoes.

  20. It's not too bad here....they set some off a couple days ahead and then th e4th the city puts on a big display. I sleep through most of it! LOL!

  21. Sounds like a nice way to celebrate.


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