This is a photograph of Far Guys Great Grandparents. Louis and Louisa Stuve. His Grandmother Theresa’s (Tracie’s) parents.

I have this old photo, I am not sure who shared it with of Far Guys relatives. Louis was born in Missouri in 1854 he died in 1932. Louisa was born in 1861 in Missouri and died in 1929. They are both buried in the cemetery in town. We need to go there one of these days and take some photos and see who else is buried there. I think that this photo was taken sometime in the 1920’s.
Now.. for a little history. I always knew Grandma Tracie had lots of sisters..they were visiting her all the time and they loved to have their photos taken together. I have only one photo of her brothers and I am not sure who is who. There were 14 children.
I have been going to research these relatives. Nothing much is known about the boys, they left in late 1929 or the early 1930’s after they could not meet their bills..they lost their day they were here and the next day they left for out east. After hearing this family story I have always wondered what happened to them.
Last week an elderly gentleman and his wife wandered into the museum. He said “I am not sure if I am in the right place, I am looking for the Genealogical society.” I replied, “Yes we have a research room.” I asked “Who are you researching?” He said “A family by the name of Stuve.” I said “Louis and Louisa?” He said “Yes, but how would you know their names?” I said “Well they are my husbands Great Grandparents.” The gentleman whose name is Dick could not believe it. He is the President of a Genealogy Society down in Iowa. He showed me a photograph and I pointed out Far Guys Grandmother and Great Aunt Emma..oh my they were young!
The gift: Dick let me copy the names and birthdates of all of Grandmas siblings.
Mathilda 1880 to 1962 Los Angeles California
Carolina 1882 to 1967 Logan Iowa
Albert 1883 to 1947 Blue Earth Minnesota
Charles 1884 to 1947 Harrison County Iowa ** note both Albert and Charles died the same day in the same year.
Laura 1886 to 1944 no known place of death.
Ferdinand or “Ferd” (twin) 1888 to 1941 Detroit Michigan
Wilhelmina (twin) 1888 to 1977 Portland Oregon
Fredrick or “Fred” 1890 to 1967 Mesa Arizona
Anna 1893 to 1978 Bemidji Minnesota
*Teresa (Theresa)1895 to 1983 Park Rapids Minnesota
Emma 1897 to 1982 Park Rapids Minnesota
Lydia 1899 to 1927 Minnesota
Louisa 1901 to 1903 Harrison County Iowa
Francis 1903 to 1993 Grand Rapids Minnesota
Part of my research has been done for me! Okay now for the connection. Dicks family branches out from a brother of Louis (Great Grandpa Stuve). He has traced the family roots back to 1830 in Hannover Germany to Ernest Claude and Henrietta Stueve. Sometime perhaps during immigration the middle e was dropped from the name.
How wonderful to meet a distant relative, but one with family history to share..and unexpected gift:)
* Sometimes transcribers miss letters in names or transcribe them incorrectly. For instance Grandmas name is spelled Theresia or Teresa and “Tracy” in some of the paperwork. In one reference she is listed as Teresa Bertha Katherine. Her name was Theresa Katherine as far as I know and she liked being called Tracie and that is how she used to sign letters and cards to us.