100% Border Collie
How old are you?
Four years old last October
What is your full name?
Do you have any nicknames?
Chancy, Buddy, Dude
Where do you sleep?
Where ever I want, the couches all have washable blankets on them. My favorite place is right in front of the door on the landing. I can nap there and no one can sneak off without me.
What is your favorite thing to do?
PLAY BALL! I love to herd the ball. I do not play fetch..lets get that straight right now. I HERD! I head out and circle around and hide behind a tree and wait for the ball to be thrown, I intercept the ball and bring it back.
What is something unusual or interesting about you?
I do not like rawhide chews and I take them and hide them in the couch, under pillows. If I can get by with it I sneak them outside and bury them so they are gone once and for all.
Who is your best friend?
Far Guy and Miney ( my sisters dog)
Did you go to obedience school?
Yes, but only because Far Side insisted. She even got us a personal trainer named Megan, I did not like Megan..so I closed my eyes and pretended she didn't exist. Far Guy didn't like Megan very much either...because she made him practice stuff with me. Far Guy and I like to make our own rules.
Can you do any tricks?
I can sit, lay, stay, shake, play dead, and heel off lead. I know what "safe" means, a verbal command to sit my butt down next to Far Guys leg. I have a large vocabulary, I listen to everything that is said. I know when they are going someplace without me, and I pout. I know the difference between the pick up and the car. I will track and find Far Guy, but not Far Side...she makes me listen and obey...I don't care if she is on her own in the woods, she will eventually figure it out. Far Guy..now that's another story..us guys got to stick together.
Note from Far Side:
Anyone that is thinking about getting a Border Collie, should spend some time with someone that has one. They need jobs. I don't say that lightly either, they are happiest working. If they are not mentally and physically challenged everyday..they can be troublemakers. Chance is not a high maintenance dog, but he still requires 20 minutes of heavy ball play outdoors several times a day:)
oooh.. mehtinks Manker (aka the B&B dog) would love to have a play date :)
Love your interview, Chance!
ReplyDeleteI've heard from other people that border collies require lots of stimulation - long walks, brain activity, herding and work... So, maybe more high maintenance than other dogs in that sense?
And of course, they are very intelligent!
This was such a fun post I printed it. Then, someday down the road, I'm going to copy it and do one for my dog!
ReplyDeleteOn the night terrors, my son Evan had those things, it just about got him kicked out the army (darn), but somehow they helped him get over them. Just in time to go to Germany for three years and then on to Saudi Arabia for the Saudi wars. Go figure.
What breed are you?
100% Border Collie
How old are you?
Four years old last October
What is your full name?
Do you have any nicknames?
Chancy, Buddy, Dude
Where do you sleep?
Where ever I want, the couches all have washable blankets on them. My favorite place is right in front of the door on the landing. I can nap there and no one can sneak off without me.
What is your favorite thing to do?
PLAY BALL! I love to herd the ball. I do not play fetch..lets get that straight right now. I HERD! I head out and circle around and hide behind a tree and wait for the ball to be thrown, I intercept the ball and bring it back.
What is something unusual or interesting about you?
I do not like rawhide chews and I take them and hide them in the couch, under pillows. If I can get by with it I sneak them outside and bury them so they are gone once and for all.
Who is your best friend?
Far Guy and Miney ( my sisters dog)
Did you go to obedience school?
Yes, but only because Far Side insisted. She even got us a personal trainer named Megan, I did not like Megan..so I closed my eyes and pretended she didn't exist. Far Guy didn't like Megan very much either...because she made him practice stuff with me. Far Guy and I like to make our own rules.
Can you do any tricks?
I can sit, lay, stay, shake, play dead, and heel off lead. I know what "safe" means, a verbal command to sit my butt down next to Far Guys leg. I have a large vocabulary, I listen to everything that is said. I know when they are going someplace without me, and I pout. I know the difference between the pick up and the car. I will track and find Far Guy, but not Far Side...she makes me listen and obey...I don't care if she is on her own in the woods, she will eventually figure it out. Far Guy..now that's another story..us guys got to stick together.
Note from Far Side:
Anyone that is thinking about getting a Border Collie, should spend some time with someone that has one. They need jobs. I don't say that lightly either, they are happiest working. If they are not mentally and physically challenged everyday..they can be troublemakers. Chance is not a high maintenance dog, but he still requires 20 minutes of heavy ball play outdoors several times a day:
Chance and Far Guy sound like a good team.
ReplyDeleteMust be your training, Far Side!
Love border collies. Always have.
Wish I could have one.
Great Post Chance! My chocolate lab grand dog does not like raw hides either! Maybe we can hook you two up sometime!
ReplyDeleteHey Chance,
ReplyDeleteHigh maintenance or not (most males are in one way or other) you are one handsome fella.
Sending you a virtual hug, Chance...you are gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteHe is wonderful. My grandparents had a border collie, named Lucky. The first dog I ever met, I loved that poor dog to death. He had no formal training, but was the kindest gentlest soul in a dog I have ever come across. He acted like a baby sitter for all us grandchildren when we were young.
ReplyDeleteGar knows, that we are definitely getting either a border collie, or a cross. I am more than willing to put in the time and effort for this friendship.
Great to hear more about Chance!! He would be great friends with Sophie...she does NOT play fetch the same way. :) Totally agree with your note....many borders end up in rescues because their new owners are not able to give them the time and energy that they need. They are fantastic, wonderful dogs if you are willing to put in the work. Thanks so much for sharing!! :)
ReplyDeleteThis is by far the funniest bit about Chance. What a hoot! Fun to learn about that smart little dog of yours.
ReplyDeleteBut shoot, I had plans for something similiar with my Ruby dog, so if you see something come up like yours in the coming weeks, well hope you don't mind! I feel Ruby must speak her mind, like Chance has!
This was really cute. Nice to see things from the dog's perspective.
ReplyDeleteI love my border collies but it's true they need work. They'd rather work than eat, work to eat that's for sure!
ReplyDeleteof course a border collie is smart enough to take over a blog for a day!
ReplyDeletewe're lucky that boscoe, though he looks like a purebred border collie, has enough Lab in him to make him lazy and affable.
he does still love to herd, though.
Mildred at Nalley Valley profiled Harriet a while back and Milah at My Back Porch featured Molly..so I just used the same questions they did..anyone is welcome to them! :)
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed this very much Connie. What a beautiful dog Chance is. My niece has a border collie mix and they sure love one another. What special friends these animals are to us all.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you said Border Collies need a job. So do hunting dogs. Yet people get both types of dogs all the time because they're cute, not knowing the exercise (both mental and physical) they need.
ReplyDeleteGood word, Connie!
Love that Chance!
Used to have a German Shepherd/Australian Shepherd mix, so I completely get what you're saying about the herding thing. We once took a raft of grandkids to the park and she went crazy, trying to keep them in a pack.
ReplyDeleteConnie -- We had a border collie years ago and loved him. He was born on a working farm but adapted to our more suburban lifestyle just fine. He was really a one-person dog but loved to play with anybody who knew how to do it right. And thanks so much for sharing your night-terror experiences with us. That took some guts. Good for you.
ReplyDeleteI have a part border collie, so I can definitely relate to Chance's attitude and behavior! lol
ReplyDeleteI have a part border collie...he has some of those same traits! lol
ReplyDeleteWe have had BC's for years. WORK, WORK, WORK...they are so happy to work! Now our two spoiled Yorkies, like to sit on the back of the couch and think as they watch BC's running around 150% in sub-zero temps.."you fools!...This is the life!"