Friday, July 15, 2022


 My sister in law (my baby brother's bride) stepped in a hole and broke bones in her foot.  Ouch... she is having surgery today in Fargo.

Wednesday we went to the Dentist for check ups and teeth cleaning.   I had a spot that was driving me nuts...near a tooth it felt pointy and hard...I thought perhaps it was the root of a tooth...well it was a sharp piece of bone stuck in my gums...and it was removed...but left a hole.  My tongue has nothing to patrol anymore.  Other than that our check ups were both good!  

Thursday Far Guy had his Infusion and I had a mammogram...I hate them.   I always get called back for my sparklies or a random I will be shocked if they don't call me back in for an ultrasound or more squishing. 

The Eye Doctor wants to see me in person to review some tests next week.  He says my eyes are suspicious for we will see how that plays out. 

I mowed grass yesterday, in the morning our lawn so Far Guy could have quality time in the afternoon woodcarving ( the dust and flying grass are awful for him) and then at my other baby brothers in the afternoon.  I sprayed for weeds the other day and need to get caught up with ant stuff and Poison Ivy spray.  It is going to turn hot and humid....sauna like. 

The wreath outside the door needs to be changed. July is half gone already....time flies when you are having fun! 

Far Side


  1. Don't you just hate going to all those appointments and then having to go back again? I know I do. I had a good checkup at the eye doctor -no glaucoma and very few cataracts. Sorry to hear about your sister-in-law breaking some bones in her foot. My lawn has lots of holes _ thanks to the squirrels and rabbits - so I have to be extra careful. Have a great weekend.

  2. Sorry to read about your sister's broken foot. Good luck with your mammogram results. Take care.

  3. I'm always glad to have appointments like those behind me. I've never minded the mammogram, but am terrified of the dentist. My eye appointment this week was uneventful and I'm very grateful. Next week is my pre-op physical.

    Hope your SIL has a quick recovery from the broken foot. Must be badly broken if she has to have surgery on it. Ouch, ouch!!!

  4. Ugh, those appointments where they find something, or you get unexpected results, or they call you back to redo something. Stay cool - we are going to be hit by that hot and humid weather system, too.

  5. Oh how I hate doctor appointments. I just don't do them. I know... I'm bad! I have to go to my family doctor for my check-ups & to get refills on my maintenance medications but other than that, nope. I made that eye doctor appointment that one time, got up early, got dressed & drove there, only to have forgotten my driver's license and so they wouldn't see me. I had every other ID on me except my license but nope, they didn't believe I was who I said I was. So I left and never went back. I'll probably never have another eye doctor appointment in my life, as it was a HUGE deal I even made that one. Oh well...! Hope everything checks out well with you, Connie. Keep us updated. ~Andrea xoxo

  6. I need to change my door decor too. It still has the 4th of July hanger on it. I'm so sorry to hear about your sister in law. That must be painful.
    I hope things, (like Dr. appointments), calm down soon. It does seem like the older we get, the more we have.
    Take care with that poison ivy. It's such nasty stuff.

  7. Glad you got that bone out of your jaw, since it didn't belong there. I don't have glaucoma problems but the macular degeneration is doing its thing: degenerating. :-)

  8. Hope your SIL's surgery goes well and she's on her way to recovery quickly.

    The heat and humidity are here in earnest and expected to last through next week. I'm grateful for a/c.

  9. Ah yes, the 6-month checkup. Mine was this week and I have to have crown replaced. I am thankful we have the money to pay for it. The mammogram a year after I had a fibrocystic breast lump removed in 1990 showed "something suspicious" and they wanted me to come back for an ultrasound. I did not go back. Good thing you didn't skip the eye appointment. Hope that works out okay.

  10. Your poor SIL with a complicated break in her foot. That would definitely slow a person down for 6 weeks :(

  11. It seems that everything comes at the same time. You've been busy. It's just hot here.

  12. So sorry to hear about your SIL foot. That is a big OUCH! Prayers for a successful surgery and quick recovery! One of my grandkids told me that today was July 15. I disagreed and was shocked to find out the month is half over!

  13. Sorry to hear about your sis-in-law's surgery. Hope all went well with that. Sorry to hear about that bone in your mouth too...glad they got that all taken care of. Well, my ears are all plugged since my last cold so now I am on a regimen of a zillion things to try to unplug them. Fun. Take care. I greatly dislike the hot weather that's coming.

  14. Doctor visits are not so routine any more, are they. They keep finding things.

  15. Sorry to hear about the bone in your gum, and also your sister-in-law's foot. Hope her surgery goes well.

  16. So sorry about your SIL's foot. I hope the surgery went well.
    So many appointments. I hope they are just an annoyance and no bad news.
    Really hot and sticky. Glad to be indoors with AC. :)

  17. Ouch, breaking bones in the feet would be awful! Sounds like a long recovery too.
    I too hate repeat appointments. But looks like I'll be going back to the eye doctor in the fall. My vision changes with the progression of cataracts.
    Stay cool if you can, this next heat cycle will be nasty.

  18. Getting old is NOT for sissy's. Just say'n But onward we go, you and I. Sigh

  19. Our weather guy who use to work in Duluth fell off his bike and broke his wrist and thumb. We wondered where he was for the past two weeks. He has only one dress coat that lets him stick his cast through the sleeve. We will see him in that coat for weeks. Having broken a bone in my foot years ago I can still fill that pain once in a while.


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