Saturday, July 9, 2022


 So far this summer the rain has helped to keep non irrigated fields green.  Some so green it almost hurts your eyes. 

Not sure what this field is ... when it was planted they went over the whole field with a very large roller. 

Here are the tomatoes

They have grown much taller in the past couple of days...I may need a ladder to pick them. 

Far Guy got Tilly back yesterday...she now has power disc brakes.  I have not driven her yet but I heard she stops on a dime.  I should mention that I have a recurring dream where I am driving a car and the brakes make the car go faster and faster.  (yes I am a tad strange)

Far Side


  1. Your tomato plant is great...
    our fields are partially ready to enter... wheat, oats, rye, barley... and the corn is in the most beautiful green. After the heat, it's now 65 Fahrenheit... very comfortable. Greetings to you, enjoy the green.

  2. Yippee for the right amount of rain! I wonder if they planted sod for yards?

    Anyway, the green is nice.

    So are brakes! I used to dream about weird stuff like that also.

  3. I have weird dreams too. Most of mine have todo with teaching and school. No rain here in 3 weeks. Everything is brown.

  4. That green field is beautiful. The Koreans prize green jade and green celadon pottery. This color brings prosperity, good health, and good luck.

  5. Our house in Spokane was in a subdivision called Bluegrass. It used to be a bluegrass farm. That green field reminds me of the grass grown there. Glad you've got some good brakes on Tilly. I dream strange dreams most nights. Maybe it's because we're getting older!

  6. So glad Tilly is back.
    No clue what is in that field but it is very curious.
    I hope you have a bumper crop of tomatoes! :)

  7. I wonder what they planted too? That's definitely not something I'm familiar with.
    My tomatoes have taken off too, as have the potatoes. I hope they put as much energy into producing as they have in their growth.
    I've had a dream off and on for years, where I'm driving along a road, and as I go the earth on both sides drops like a sink hole so the road is elevated and everything around is now gone. Freaks me out every time.

  8. For many years I had a reoccurring dream where my big old '64 Chevy Impala wouldn't stop no matter how hard I pushed on the brake pedal. The odd thing is I never crashed, I just kept pumping. But then dreams can be weird. That one wasn't fun.

  9. I think all of us have dreams which are a tad strange.

  10. I thought I was the only one that had 'crazy' dreams! 😊

    Everything looks so peaceful and picturesque. It's overcast and occasional showers for us today that we really needed - I think I heard the trees let out a sigh!

  11. Your tomatoes look great! We actually recently rode in a vehicle without power brakes. How the heck did we ever do that, LOL.

  12. I am curious as to what that field is. It is certainly bright! I've had dreams like that, too.

  13. Very green! That is an enormous tomato plant, if it produces well you will be knee deep in tomatoes.

  14. Next time you have that dream try using the accelerator (Hope I spelled that right) maybe it would slow you down.
    Are there any green tomatoes on your plants as yet?

  15. Great tomato plant(s)! I have weird dreams too!! Since I am a dreams are my social life. Last night I dreamed I was at your house and you were showing me some beautiful embroidery you had done. You should have seen was gorgeous! Have you checked your closet lately? That's where you were storing it.
    Could that be a sod field?

  16. Bringing the breaks up to par. You can slam on the breaks and it won't hesitate. That is a good thing or maybe a bad thing if you not use to it. My tomatoes have not grown to tall but my neighbor's are reaching to the sky. They planted very early.

  17. Beautiful green field
    I have many weird dreams

  18. I am certain it is a crop field and not a sod field. Sooner or later it will show what it is! Yes the tomato plant s have many green tomatoes!

  19. Cool dream. Maybe the gas pedal makes the car stop? Those are some TALL tomatoes! Hopefully they produce LOTS AND LOTS of great tomatoes. We didn't plant any this year...and I already regret it!

  20. Love your tomato plants......they're going to be awesome!

  21. Your tomatoes are about double the size of mine!

    I bet those brakes make a hue difference. Those cars are heavy. We have everything to do the conversion on Dave's Charger. I'm hoping we can do it by fall. Next year, we want to do the same thing on the Bonneville.

  22. Do you stake your plants, Connie? Mine always get so big they topple over even being staked. ~Andrea xoxo

  23. I've had some weird driving dreams, too. Here in the southern tier of New York State, we are in early stages of drought. Fortunately, the temperatures have been (mostly) in the 80's. We are getting some cherry tomatoes.

  24. I do know how to spell "brakes" but my fingers seem to want to mix up the letters.


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