Tuesday, July 12, 2022


 The Gaillardia or Blanket flowers are in full bloom.  

I enjoy them when I go to check on the tomatoes. 

I have several yellow blooms. 

I do nothing to tend these flowers, I collect their seed and mow them off before winter.   They get water that the good Lord provides in rain. 

Speaking of rain...we got an inch plus of rain Sunday into Monday.  

Yesterday Far Guy and I ran errands and stopped to visit with a few of the people at our old wood carving group.    Came home and made Chicken Enchiladas for supper...I made a big pan so two nights in the future we will have easy meals. 

Yarn may have been delivered because when the Post Man tried to stuff the bags into the mail box the steel post that supports the three mail boxes broke ...my other baby brother and she who sees robins first came along and helped us fix it.  We share the post with them and also with my nephew.  It should be good for another 20 years. 

Far Side


  1. Ahhhh! More Yarn? You have to love it!

    Do you reseed those flowers each year? Or do they come up on their own. I had some of these in my big flower garden years and years ago along with the large white daisies. It was something to see!

    Nice that you all share the work on fixing things! But dislike the fact that someone had to stuff the box so hard as to break things!

  2. My parents planted a lot of wildflowers down at the farm because they were so easy to plant, just scatter the seeds, and easy to take care of, let mother-nature do it.

  3. The flowers are very pretty. Your Post Man sounds like ours in trying to stuff too big a package into the mailbox. We really need a new post too.

  4. I used to have blanket flowers! I don't see any this year. I enjoyed yours.

  5. That must have been a LOT of yarn :-D. Blanket flowers are the best!

  6. Such sweet little flowers! I had to chuckle over the mailbox. Our mailbox post needs new concrete poured around it. It currently leans and wobbles a LOT. Yesterday there were 3 packages stuffed in tight and Dave had trouble getting them out without pulling the whole thing over.

  7. Those look wonderful! I have some of the multi-cololured ones, but I will have to look for some of the solid yellow for my collection!

  8. Val, a bit of both...they usually come up on their own but I still spread seed around:)

  9. The blanket flowers are beautiful. I would love to do something similar in the back corner of our yard but Dennis would rather not. It's a constant battle with the weeds. Sorry about the mailbox, but it's lovely to have family around to help with chores like tht. I'm more interested in the yarn that you bought! :-)
    Hope you and Far Guy have a great day today. I'm off to clean the bathrooms. Yippee!

  10. I've grown Gallardia in containers but didn't realize they would self seed. Very pretty!
    That must have been a whole lot of yarn.

  11. What pretty flowers, Connie! I love the kind that count on God to water.

    We used to have that problem with our mailbox too until we bought the biggest regular mailbox known on planet earth. Now anything fits in there without stuffing it. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  12. Very pretty wild flowers! We didn't get the rain, we sure could use it.

  13. I have gaillardia planted in a tiny area by my front door. They do well there, so I added another plant this spring. My goal is to have perennials that I don’t have to mess with. I do dead head them so they’ll keep blooming but that’s it.

  14. The Gaillardia are wonderful. They are enjoying the company of the daisies in your meadow.
    The damage to your mail box post makes it sound like you got a WHOLE LOTTA yarn delivered. :-)

  15. Love that flowers! So beautiful! We really longing for rain here. The sun and hot degrees making everything a desert!!! Even the grass is yellow...
    Well, it´s a HOT Summertime indeed :)

  16. I used to have blanket flowers - I guess I need to get some seeds!

  17. My blanket flowers are being crowded out by salvia and hosta. I guess I should move it. Your wildflowers are wonderful and I would love to have it that way. We have neighbors a block over where the two poles for mailboxes are not parallel. One pole leans in and it looks bad. I won't go and fix it but I would like to.

  18. My Blanket flowers self seed but not very liberally. I wish they'd be more prolific.

  19. Gaillardia are another of my favorite wild flowers.

  20. Glad you had some help getting your mailbox fixed. I love your gaillardia daisies....they're such pretty colors.

  21. The wildflowers are sure pretty!

  22. I think blanket flowers are so pretty! I had painted one from a photo off the internet and had it hanging outside my door for years at the place I last lived...until it was stolen. I think it was the handicapped girl across the hall who often admired it...but she didn't seem to like people much. If it was, I hope she still has it and enjoys it.

    Sounds like the mailboxes got fixed well and sturdy! :)

  23. So pretty! I've never had any luck growing Blanket Flowers.


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