Friday, July 8, 2022

Book Club X 3

 We had book club yesterday.

To catch you up....

 The book in May was Fountains of Silence  by Ruta Sepetys I give it a 6 out of 10, I wasn't thrilled with it, however I must have missed Spain in the 1950s in World History class. 

The June book was Westering Women by Sandra Dallas I give that one a 9 out of 10 I really enjoyed it.   I enjoy Sandra Dallas as a historical fiction writer. 

The July book was Anxious People by Fredrik Backman  I give that one a 7 out of 10.  The book is proof that people will read a book about idiots. 

We have a list of the books for the next four months and I have purchased the books.   One of the books has been made into a movie that comes out soon.  I have not been in a movie theater in a long time and I probably won't go to this movie either...sooner or later it will be out on Netflix. 

Far Side


  1. I'm going to order a book I heard about called South of Luck. It is a story of a youngster who was sent to his grandparents place to live in Milltown WI during the 1940's. This is the area between Luck and Milltown that I spent all my summers until I was 21.

    I just finished Where the Crawdads Sing. What a great book!

    Enjoy your new ones!

  2. Both titles sound very interesting. Have a great weekend.

  3. Good work. I'm still on Donna Leon's series. I am falling into bed these days.
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  4. I must be completely out of the loop on current things because I haven't heard of any of those books before. I'm reading Piper's book about Marie Antoinette right now. She gave me very clear instructions about taking care of the book so it doesn't get damaged. :-) That girl loves her books.

  5. Hoping you will share nonfiction you read. I don’t read fiction anymore. My sister loved root beer lady too. I am thinking of someone else to share it with.

  6. I've enjoyed a couple of Sandra Dallas' books - Persian Pickle Club and Tallgrass were both really good. I may have to try Westering Women. Thanks for the recommendations.

  7. I have enjoyed other Backman books, so I'll give this one a try. And thanks for the recommendation about Sandra Dallas. Sounds interesting! :-)

  8. I started reading the "Anna Pigeon" series of books set in national parks. There are a lot of them dating back about 30 years. I'll see how far I get. I order them on my Kindle and the earliest ones are cheap. They aren't great, but they are easy reading. I think that's what I need right now.

  9. Hi I just came back from the library and took out Westering Women(even though I have tons of books that I yet have to read). Any way thanks for the reference. It looks like a good book actually the kind that I like.

  10. I haven't heard of any of these books. I've got 2 books going right now, one an audio and one I have to read. I haven't been to a theater since the early 90s when a couple of annoying young men behind me kept kicking my seat and talking loudly. Asking them not to just egged them on.

  11. I haven't been able to read a book all year. I can't stay interested in anything. I fall asleep. My kindle died. All sorts of excuses.

  12. I haven't been inside a movie theatre for a long time either, Connie. I don't have any plans to do that anytime soon, either. I can't seem to get myself interested in reading lately either. I just bought two books a little bit ago and now I don't have any interest in reading them. I'm just getting over being sick, so maybe that has something to do with it. We'll see. Take care!

  13. I've not heard of any of these authors. My last finish was "The Fourth Estate" by Jeffrey Archer. It was an okay book - somewhat predictable and a little unrealistic.

    I do think you should be a book reviewer, "proof that people will read a book about idiots" had me howling with laughter. :)

  14. I loved Sandra Dallas's Persian Pickle Club. I might try this book, too.

  15. I didn't like Anxious People at all. I have liked most of his books, but not this one.

  16. I love Sandra Dallas books. The others look interesting too.

  17. I am into books about history mostly Aussie history, I am listening to Kings in Grass Castles by Mary Durak

  18. I loved Anxious People, but I listened to it and the reader was really good. I thought the plot twist was fantastic! I was completely surprised.


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