Friday, July 1, 2022

Barn Demolition

 My other baby brothers Construction Company did the barn demolition.  My Nephew Josh was in charge. 

Josh called me when they were all set to take the barn down. 

Roger the present owner of the barn taking photos. 

The Border Collie Annie was supervising.  She came to visit us and jumped in Ranger Blue.   She was very curious of the goings on.

Barb and the Day Care kids watching. 

Josh did a great job, it was fun to watch him work.  He saved the hay trolly and the rail that was in the roof of the barn. 

A new barn will replace the old barn, I heard it will look like the old barn but without a hay mow.

Far Side


  1. Watching demolition is fascinating. I'm glad there are plans to build a new barn, especially if it is going to look similar to the old one :)

  2. Interesting pictures, thanks for sharing. Still, it is sad to see the old barn being torn down. Another piece of history gone. Have a great and safe Fourth of July weekend.

  3. Sad to see another part of history gone.

  4. Great job and glad they are replacing it. I imagine a new barn is not cheap!

  5. Glad to hear there was a replacement barn. Great shots! :-)

  6. I hope you save some barn boards for a special reminder project!

  7. Great photos! It will be fun for everyone to watch the new barn taking shape to replace it.

  8. I think watching the demolition of buildings is very interesting. Although it's sad, there really wasn't much of a choice in the matter was there? It was a beautiful barn in it's day. I'm glad there's a new one going up. It will be fun to see photos of it when it's built.

  9. I'm sure it was a bittersweet moment.

  10. Big event. The kids will probably not be quite as enthralled by the new barn going up. Demolitions are so dramatic! :)

  11. This looks like a good idea.
    I see fragile barns and they look so sad.
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  12. It's hard to see the history go away. But everyone needs to do what is best for them.

  13. Kids of all ages like to watch big machinery at work!

  14. Mixed feelings about it coming down. It is a unusual to see something destroyed rather than being built. I hope the new barn is a great one.

  15. I'm glad to hear that some of the old barn. I'm sure the daycare children will enjoy watching the new one be built too.

  16. Old barn siding and beams are quite valuable here is they are still intact enough to be used decoratively.

  17. Then it was gone..............
    Damn good photos

  18. Watching that barn come down would hold my attention for sure. Nice that a new one will be replacing it.

  19. Sad that some of these structures last only so long.

  20. Hope you will show us the new barn one day.

  21. Children love to watch that sort of thing... big machinery working. Of course adults do too or many of us anyway. Good-bye, faithful barn! ~Andrea xoxo


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