Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Appointment week

 We have four appointments this week.  Two down and two to is virtual!!  I like those the best. 

Far Guy had a CT scan and saw his Pulmonologist in Grand Forks ND.  Far Guy is doing well and we are supposed to keep on keeping on and come back in six months. 

We did a little shopping at Best Buy, Harbor Freight and Kohls where we met up with Jen.  We went over to Panera Bread for lunch where our grandson Adam is the assistant manager.  He likes his job and the people he works with.  After the last appointment we went to see Sadie and Little Elvis...both were happy to see us. 

So most of the day was spent in the car.  

In this 1928 Model A  it would have been a longer day.  They cruised about 45 miles per hour on good roads. 

Far Side


  1. Happy to hear Far Guy's appointments are going well and you had a nice day.

  2. Glad to learn FG is doing well.

  3. We anticipate a bone scan and pulmonary test...
    Good luck with all.
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  4. I'm sure glad that FG is doing so well. Panera would be a good choice for lunch anyway, but even better when your grandson is working there.

  5. I’m thrilled that FG is doing well and had a good checkup.

  6. Good to know all is well. You two had a full, productive day.

  7. Sounds like life is humming right along, Connie...and going 45 miles per hour sounds like a perfect speed to me. *haha* I hate to go fast on the highway. Youngest daughter loves Panera Bread! It's just a bit too expensive though, in my book. So folks usually get youngest gift certificates from there, when it's her birthday & such, and I take her there for her own meal to-go. That way she gets her Panera fix & we don't break the bank. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  8. Glad to hear that Far Guy's appointment went so well. I'm sure it is a relief for both of you.

    Nice to get in some fun in the midst of the appointments with family visits.

  9. What a nice day out and family and dog visits too!

  10. That sounds like good news for FG, and a good day all around.

  11. My first car was a 1929 model A sedan. We paid $45.00 for it.

  12. So glad to hear the Far Guy is doing well. I had four dr appts this week too... and two down, two to go! The last two are both tomorrow and then I'm done for a while.

  13. I'm glad got his CT scan out of the way.....sounds good. I was supposed to have mine tomorrow but had to cancel it. A couple of nights ago I slept funny and ended up with a stiff neck. It has gotten progressively worse and now I have horrible pain in my neck, shoulders and back.....can barely move. Tomorrow I will go to a new chiropractor and pray for relief. Our regular guy is 3 1/2 hours away each way so I'm not going to him. Glad you got to shop and see Jen and fam too.


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