Friday, December 13, 2013


I am all set for the cookie exchange. In order to appear less “grinchy” I agreed to join in.   I have not participated in a cookie exchange in years…the memory of strange cookies, broken messy cookies and bad cooks had faded sufficiently. 

I decided to make Swedish Browns.  I needed eleven dozen so I doubled the recipe, and made two batches and had cookies left over which are now sitting in freezer bags inside an ice cream pail in the freezer. ( I hate broken cookies)

Cookie exchange cookies

With enough butter and sugar anything tastes good.

Swedish Browns…a recipe from Mary (she was in the Wistful Wednesday Photo the other day.)

1 cup butter

1 cup sugar

1 Tablespoon corn syrup

1 Tablespoon cinnamon

2 teaspoons soda

1 egg yolk

2 cups flour ( heaping)

Mix well, roll into balls then dip them in sugar.  Bake 350 degrees for 5 to 8 minutes. They will practically melt in your mouth.

I searched and searched for appropriate packaging.  I was in the midst of looking for Christmas Tins in thrift stores when I happened by Ben Franklin where they had a sale on containers.  They are perfect…and at half price a bargain too.

Cookie Containers

My cookies are safely nestled inside Ziploc storage bags, safe from breakage.  A bakers dozen fit nicely in the containers.

I was tired after all that baking and settled down for a long winters not much else was accomplishedSmile

Gift count: ten bought and seven ordered.  Gifts wrapped: none.  Cookies made: Complete! Christmas letters: Complete!  Homemade ornaments: Complete!  Homemade gifts: Two complete and one in progress.  Decorations… the snow outside, a pine cone wreath, the Nativity and a flag outdoors. Oh and 1/3 of a Shiny Brite Tree!  12 days and counting.

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  1. I am so lucky to be disabled. I get a pass!!

    Still, Land's End had a sale on fleece throws (50" x 70") for $12.25. Couldn't resist. I bought two for myself and four to give away. Now all I have to get are gift bags and tissue paper.

  2. I agree with your what makes anything taste good philosophy especially the "butter" part. Did Julia Childs coin that part? In any case I can even handle lutefisk with a pound of butter with it....:)

  3. Oh yummy, those look so good...thanks for sharing, Francine.

  4. Those look real good. Glad that is all behind you now and you got in your nap.

  5. The cookies look/sound delicious. Great to find the perfect containers.

  6. They sounds scrumptious. Yum. I kind of like broken cookies because that means I can eat it to get it out of sight. :-)

  7. The cookies look yummy and the containers are so cute! Great job! I went to a cookie walk at a local church and bought all my cookies. I'm just not into baking anymore.
    Now I need to go and finish up my Christmas cards.

  8. The cookies look great! Eleven dozen is a lot to make! Hope the party is fun!

  9. The cookie and packaging look wonderful :) That is a lot of cookies ~ for me to do it they would have to be "very" easy... some of those holiday cookies are so fancy! Have a great Friday!

  10. I used to participate in Cookie Exchanges but found that most of the cookies were not really cookies, but candy. I prefer a honest to goodness cookie! Thanks for sharing Mary's recipe.

  11. That cookie recipe looks like a good one. I first though they were ginger cookies but I bet this cookie doesn't get hard as quickly as ginger cookies. Big tree goes up tonight.

  12. Those cookies look mighty good! Thanks for the recipe!

  13. I'd say baking that many cookies was a good days work. I hear you when you talk about broken cookies and poorly baked cookies. and I've never been on a cookie exchange, but my micro manager has in the past participated in cookie exchanges.

  14. Your cookies look divine! I have never made these and want to thank you for the recipe, I am going to give them a try. I miss our Ben Franklin store, it is no more.

  15. IM about to bake some more cookies now.
    I do them a bit at a time. Then I freeze them and wrap them in packing tape so I don't dig in before Christmas EVE

  16. What a good idea to put them in tins before the exchange!

  17. The cookies look delicious. You're still way ahead of me getting ready for Christmas--but I'm making slow, but steady progress. :)

  18. Connie, those look delish...and packed in a cute tin to boot? Lucky cookie exchangers.


  19. Your cookies made me think of ginger snaps, but no ginger in the similar....but different:) Good job on completing another job on your list!

  20. Good job on the cookie baking and wrapping. I have never done a cookie exchange, sort of because I don't have friends that do it, and also because what most other people bake is not what I think are special. Well, that doesn't sound good - but it's true.

  21. I've never done a cookie exchange either. Does that mean you will get 11 dozen cookies back? Whoa! That's a lot of cookies. I'm enjoying reading about your Christmas preparations.

  22. Wow! That a lot of cookies! I've never had these. They sound delish! :)

  23. Thank you for the recipe! Those sound like they'd be right up my alley! I love cookies....I think they're my favorite ice cream but I can't have much of that anymore else my cholesterol goes through the roof.You're way ahead of me in the Christmas department. I think Thanksgiving took it out of me. I won't be ready for Christmas until Spring...I hope everyone understands. LOL!
    I used to participate in cookie exchanges but I got paranoid about some of the people baking and their sanitation practices plus I would make from scratch and get slice and bake in return or just plain old chocolate chips...not Christmas Cookies. I know, I have high standards. But now I make my own favorites and they're all good! Yours look great and I'll be trying them this year as I usually try a new recipe each year. thanks so much!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie