Tuesday, December 3, 2013


We are having a snow event.  We are safe at home and have no plans to leave.  It has been snowing since late Sunday night.

This snow event is supposed to last a few days.  It has snowed enough as I write this I can hear the snow chugging down the roof…as it slides down the steel roof it makes a noise.  Of course the dog barks..cause it sounds like someone is beating on the house…then he realizes it is snow falling in huge amounts and goes to hide in the bedroom where he feels safe.  One time when he was a puppy he was covered by snow as it slid off the roof…Far Guy had to rescue him.  He has never forgotten.

So far..at 5PM on Monday afternoon the snow stick showed a little over four inches.


Just like that our world turned from gray and brown to white.  What fun.

Snowy trip to twon

We made a supply run to town and mailed all of the Christmas Ornaments to relatives far away…so if you are a relative be on the lookout for a package in the mail.

Far Guy is supposed to be writing the Christmas letter.  I think he has a beginning. It is a start but nowhere near complete.  Some year the Christmas letter may be abandoned completely…just not yet as we like to send greetings to many people who do not have computers.

I accomplished nothing Christmas again yesterday…unless buying Poinsettia Postage Stamps counts.   I am still thinking about what kind of cookie I will be making for the cookie exchange…no big decisions have been made yet.

Remember to leave me a comment about your favorite cookie HERE to be entered in the ornament giveaway.

Gift count: two.  Gifts wrapped: none.  Cookies made : none. Cards written: none.  Home made ornaments: Complete!  Homemade gifts: in progress.  Decorations…none except the snow outside.  22 days and counting.

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  1. How COLD it looks there. It is beautiful, and looks like Christmas! That second picture looks like the road to the North Pole! Of course, I live in North Carolina. Some years we don't even see snow in this neck of the woods!

  2. Winter wonderland, does look pretty....Francine.

  3. We've got cold but the snow decided to stay in the mountains where it belongs. :-)

  4. Looks pretty, but I'm glad I only have to see it in your pictures and not in person.

  5. The snow makes a pretty photo but I know it is overwhelming to have so much for such a long period.

  6. Cozy! I would prefer snow but they are predicting an ice storm for us to rival the one we had in 2009...I went without power for 8 days...oh Lordy no, please! So, I have 2 days of 60's where I'll get the decorations out and get supplies gathered although I have most already. I'll make some turkey soup from the carcass and "hunker down". The chimney sweep said not to use my fireplace but if it comes to freezing or using it....guess what?
    Stay safe and warm and dry. Love the pictures of the snow...thank you...I'll still take the "frozen North" any day!

  7. Yes it looks like winter in Northern Minnesota. The banana belt has missed it so far but I fear it coming. Time to move the snow blower into the garage from the shed and make sure its' working....:) btw I've been given a reprieve from writing the annual Christmas letter. Mrs. T is going with a photo card this year. The one with the Grands and the Belgians at the apple orchard. That works for me....:)

  8. I heard you were getting snow Up North. None here yet. Stay safe and warm.

  9. It looks cold, and windy in that second picture. What are your temperatures like? Poor Chance, those border collies never forget.
    We had a dusting of wet snow last evening, as the temperatures dropped close to freezing. Then the wind picked up and thankfully dried most of the roads off before it really froze and we had to worry about black ice. Cold (for here) for the next few days, and maybe snow on the weekend.

  10. I finally straighten my back gate post so the gate will swing freely. On day before the snow so the gate can be uses. They were sharing your weather on the news last night.

  11. Oh WOW ! Lots of snow there . Our snow has melted lots of green about some frost this morning but now it is mild and sunny out today ! Thanks for sharing .Stay safe and cozy in the snow storm and have a good day !

  12. It is snowing here, too. I wish I didn't have a meeting to attend this afternoon, or I would be snug inside all day.

  13. Your countdown check list is making hyperventilate :-o. Christmas card painted yet? Nope. ARGH!!!!

  14. Now that you have snow that should put you in the Christmas spirit! We made are cards with Shutterfly again this year. They have arrived and that is all that has happened that is Christmasy so far. Maybe this weekend I get motivated!
    Love the photos of the multiple bird feeders and of Chance peaking out the red fence. We get quite the build up of ice and snow on roof tops here. During years of heavy snow fall some roofs collapse and people have been killed by ice falling off of roofs. Chance is a smart boy to remember!

  15. I guess we're sending you snow again! We've had 65 cm so far this year. some winters we don't get that much. I like pfeffer nuts. I don't know if this is spelled right. most groups have a form of these cookies. They were a great favorite with the Mennonite kids. They'd come to school with a pocket full and trade with other kids. And they also gave me some as my Mom wasn't Mennonite and didn't make pfeffer nuts. I've never forgotten how they shared Christmas cookies with me.

  16. We are supposed to get several inches overnight. I've decided to skip dance class in favor of staying snug and warm at home and watching The Voice. I think I can handle driving in the snow, but I'm never sure about the other people out there!

  17. We have a nasty storm that is hitting right now-should be three days of snow. I'd love to stay in but have several commitments. I'm waiting for my photo cards to arrive but have mailed out some cards to friends who have dogs.
    No cookies here but a luncheon for some of my craft group.
    Stay inside and stay warm.
    Hugs, Noreen

  18. You are farther ahead than I am. I actually am feeling right now that I could skip Christmas. Is that bah humbug of me???

  19. I am enjoying your Christmas readiness status. I think part of it is that I am in about the same shape, so it is nice knowing I'm not alone!
    Be careful with that snow. The TV weather guy showed the storm that extends from California to the Great Lakes... you guys are getting the brunt of it!

  20. Seems to me making and then sending all those ornaments should be counting for something on your Christmas readiness list.
    Gifts I ordered on line are beginning to arrive. Nothing will be wrapped until the week before Christmas. Still decorating here, and then I have to turn to cookie baking.
    I'm glad to hear you think your new snow is fun. Hopefully it will be for a while yet, until the newness wears off.

  21. Snow - what fun! Better than rain, which is what we have once again.... Winter can't decide when to come to us.

  22. Yes! Buying Christmas stamps counts!! ;)

  23. We just got back from driving in that same stuff...45 miles and hour to Denver 8 hours (should have been 5) and 45 miles and hour back (10 hours) because of a huge wreck at 2:30 which didn't get cleaned up until 5:30 then onward in heavy fog whereby you couldn't see anything but the tail lights in front of you. I detest winter. (Oh yes that was a 10 hour trip back home) I'm ready for summer

    ¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪Merry Christmas ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥


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