Monday, December 16, 2013

Shopping, Sioux, Shower and Sugary Treats

Oh my it was a busy weekend.  The shopping commenced and we were successful and I am pleased to report we are almost done..just a few simple things to purchase for stocking stuffers!

Jen and her Dad went to the Hockey Game.   Still the Sioux to most of the fans.  They both wore appropriate Sioux clothing!  I stayed home with the grandboys, every once in awhile they would come and check on me. “Need anything Grandma?”  “How you doing Grandma?”  Finally I requested popcorn as Adam knows how to make that in the microwave. ( I can almost hear them. “It is your turn to check on her now..I had my turn.”) Adam and I watched TV together and I had a nice nap.

Our daughter Jen hosted a Baby Shower for her friend Sarah.  Sarah will be birthing twins in mid to late January.  I have known Sarah a number of years..she is the grandboys “School Mom” as she works in their school.

Jen helped me to create a diaper cake… it turned out really cute.
Sarahs Diaper cake
Yes there are one of each…I was hoping for two girls..but a boy and a girl will be perfect younger siblings for Jacob age three.  Uffda…Sarah will have her hands full.  I figured she could use a few diapers.

Later that same day was the cookie exchange at Jens.  Yes, I brought home 11 dozen cookies of all kinds.  Just the two of us could never eat that many…so a few will go to woodcarving and a few later in the week to something special…and some will no doubt head home with the grand girls next week. I think a half a dozen cookies to exchange would be just right.  One of the gals was headed over to the nursing home with all her goodies…I thought that was a wonderful idea.

Jen’s tree is up and all decorated.
All three dogs  Miney, Little Elvis and Chance
Jen’s tree is beautiful.  I had fun wandering around it looking at all the ornaments.

We headed home late after all the doings.  There wasn’t much traffic and we enjoyed Christmas lights all the way home.  It was very cold with the temperatures hovering at –18 F or –27 C.  We are supposed to warm up a bit this week..I will have to see it to believe it.

Gift count: almost done and awaiting deliveries.   Gifts wrapped: none.  Cookies made: Complete!  Christmas letters: Complete!  Homemade ornaments: Complete!  Homemade gifts: Two complete and one in progress.  Decorations… the snow outside, a pine cone wreath, the Nativity and a flag outdoors. Oh and 3/4 of a Shiny Brite Tree and a partial tree downstairs.  Christmas menus: Planned!   8 days and counting.
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  1. Great time, sweet diaper cake........Love the dogs sitting by the tree, beautiful picture.....Blessings Francine.

  2. So happy to hear that you accomplished so much. The trees are beautiful. I love the picture of the dogs all sitting so nicely in front of the tree. You can always send me some of your "spare" cookies - they are my downfall. haha

  3. I had never heard of a diaper cake before. What a great idea! And yes, she will have her hands full with two of them. I cannot imagine, to tell you the truth. Great picture of the dogs. :-)

  4. It sounds like a lovely weekend.

  5. The weather you're having sounds like you live at the North Pole!

  6. What great progress on your list!
    I loved the picture of the dogs with the tree - such beauty!

  7. Sounds like a great weekend. I know that Adam and Noah enjoyed spending the evening with you.

  8. You are just humming right along with the Christmas projects:) I feel like such a wimp when I think of the cold that you experience. Maybe one year I'll have to go somewhere to experience that.......on second thought I think I'll give it a pass! Hoping there will be a special something in the mail today:)

  9. Minus 27 C? that's cold! On the other hand all the shopping a cookies to eat should keep you warm!

  10. Love the dogs around Jen's tree - so cute! I could not handle temps as cold as yours. The diaper cake is cute - wow - twins - what a handful!

  11. The dogs around the tree are wonderful. My cards are done. GOing to make cut out cookies right now. Finishing one last knit scarf gift! Must watch ELF

  12. Gorgeous tree! I think I'll organize a cookie exchange next year!!

  13. You are making some serious progress now! Love the photo with all three dogs, very cute and a lovely tree.

  14. I think you'll get it all done by Christmas Eve. You're well on your way. Not doing much, just made a little candy, to fix plates for the neighbors!!

  15. You have sweet grandsons. I hope you plan to post a photo of your Shiny Brite tree.

  16. Sounds like a full yet wonderful weekend you had . Lovely photos ! We had all of Saturday and Sunday of it snowing here and cold , cold, cold lol ! We have just a few things to get for stockings then all done . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  17. My you put me to shame and I don't think those boys were checking on you - maybe to see if you were making them goodies! heehee You are so busy!!!

  18. You had a busy weekend ~ love the diaper cake and twins what a blessing but yes she will be busy! Sounds like you are getting a handle on Christmas :)

  19. Love that diaper cake!

    You seem ready for Christmas - and over here we don't have snow and haven't put up the decorations yet.

  20. You are on top of it!
    Twins! She will have her hands full and diapers will be needed--a lot of diapers! :)
    It has warmed way up to 13 degrees over here this Tuesday morning.
    Beautiful tree, too. Great pic with the dogs. :):)

  21. That is a beautiful tree! I love the picture of the dogs next to it. What a cute diaper cake you made. I've never done anything like that but it looks fun to make. You guys have a grand time up there with your family and friends.

  22. what a pretty tree indeed! . . .
    Actually got ours up on monday. It is small and wobbly. I set it up by myself -- and didn't get the hubby to come in and stabilize it. Now it dances when we walk past it. Kinda shimmers when that happens.. hee hee


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