Sunday, December 15, 2013

What does the cat say?

You again…weren’t you just here a couple of weeks ago?  You and that black and white thing that you bring along with you.  I like you but couldn’t you just leave him at home?

Chaucer and Chance

Whatever are you doing on the floor anyway?  You didn’t fall did you?

Chaucer close up

Oh you gotta camera too just like my lady that shakes the treat can.  Take some pictures of me instead of that mutt. I’ll get real close so you can’t miss.

I am getting old, I have tumors…they come and go and I heard you say one of these days it will be a big one that gets me.  Was that a nice thing to say?

Stink eye

Well just for that comment you get the stink eye.  I suppose you are going to clean out my ears too…you do that every time you come to visit.


I’ll letcha do it this time…after all you have been doing it for 12 years…nothing has stopped you yet.  Not meowing or scratching…I am getting too old to protest too much.  Besides that I will lay in your laptop case and get it all hairy just to get even…unless of course you care to vacuum me a few dozen times…you know how much I love that vacuum cleaner.

Chaucer and the tree

Why don’t you hide more treats over here so you look like a multi talented animal photographer?


Chaucer the GRAND Cat


  1. What pretty gifts under the tree. And then of course there is Chaucer. Love you telling us all about him. We have cats each one with a different personality and we love them all. Most are rescues that came to us in cold weather and we let them stay. So glad we did they have given us more than we can give them. So sweet and ornery. What a blessing especially since we have no little children around. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  2. Oh the ole stink eye, smarty pants......What a pretty Kitty though, love the markings.....your tree looks so beautiful, love the Shiny Brights, Blessings Francine.

  3. Nice to meet you, Chaucer. That is a beautiful tree that I hope you leave alone. You probably will, since you're old now. I know how you feel, I can give a stink eye but not as good as yours! :-)

  4. Oh stink eye, and flicking that's the ultimate cat insult isn't it?

    He's a beauty, and it's in the eye of the beholder, and not a stink eye.


  5. What a fun photo essay with commentary by Chaucer. You did a great job of interpreting what this cat has to say! And... I'm thinking you are 'spot on'!!

  6. You tell a good story with your photos. It's always interesting to wonder what the critters actually think of us.

  7. What a sweet face Chaucer has. I love his markings. Your tree is beautiful. That room looks warm and Christmasy!

  8. That is a good story. Great pictures of the cat.

  9. I love this post - great photos, especially the "stink eye."

  10. I loved your post Chaucer! The photos are great!

  11. You are a true animal person, aren't you Connie!

    ¸.•*¨*•♪♫♫♪Merry Christmas ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥

  12. Beautiful cat.

    Somehow I know that is exactly what the cat said.

    Happy Holidays.

  13. There is something about cats!!!
    Cheers from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  14. Cats are definitely good at 'Stink eye'; and cold shoulder, too.
    Thanks for sharing, Connie. ♥

  15. GREAT post! I love the perspective of the animals in your life - - - especially this beautifully marked feline. So glad you were able to hear what this cat thought of your visit!

  16. LOL - that is the purr-fect post! Very lovely cat too.

  17. What a gorgeous old guy! (But I expect he knows that!). And what a fine name, which seems to fit him quite well.

  18. How surprised I was to see a cat on your blog! Handsome one, too. :)
    Chance doesn't look overly thrilled, though. lol!

  19. Darn good looking cat for 12 years old! You take good pictures and write great commentary. Oh, did you check if any of those presents have my name on them?

  20. I had to laugh ... especially at the stink eye


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